6 Year old boy thrown 5 floors from Tate Modern Museum in London by 17 year old boy

But that is what the source seems to be saying no? That he was known to be violent and was supposed to be accompanied by two carers.
The source indicated he was known to be aggressively and violent and claimed he was only to be escorted by 2 people, if that is rare then does that not indicate that he probably has committed a crime.

I’m not sure what your point is in mentioning that it is rare? Are you contradicting what had been reported so far and saying that based on your experience you doubt it?

If so then fair enough, I’m simply basing an opinion on what has been reported. And that is that if what has been reported is true then it sounds like they’ve been negligent and if anyone is to be held liable then it is the organisation providing his care.

There's different levels of violence in children with mental health issues. You have those are just generally aggressive and violent, assaulting carers, smashing rooms etc, and you get those who will hear voices and go out stab people. I know several cases of children, male and female, under social services care who fall into the first category with diagnosis of bipolar, UPD and ADHD etc who have no formal mental health provision, other than a key worker, and are simply cared for by children's services. If they went out and killed somebody they could definitely be reported to have had a history of violence and worrying behaviour.

My comment on this thread wasn't directly in relation to this story and more about the reporting which mentioned history of schizophrenia and escaping carers. That conjures an image of children locked in psychiatric wards, which isn't the case. 2 carers taking a child out on supervised days out is common. Having a child escorted at all times where they would not be out of sight for any length of time is not.

And for interest for anyone else commenting on the cost, last time I was quoted figures, 2-1 live in care for children was around £4k a week.
IIRC there was a view from one autism organisation that most people who have self diagnosed after reading about it online probably do have it.
Give me some of that delicious HP please!

Regarding the carers situation, my wife is a clinical psychologist and told me when she was training up north in one unit she had a patient abscond on her, a big strong man, who just hailed a taxi and said see you later love. She has no power other than to report him to the police. Apparently he just went out for sex and got high then came back the next day.

That's the situation pretty much, the carers are not physical minders.
Tbh I thought u had mistaken 6 years for 6
months...I also thought a 6 month old was a toddler. Doh
lol if so our lad was a right lazy sod :D
he was not toddling till well after 12 months. btw sorry if i came across as an ass.... work is a female dog at the moment and am a little more highly strung than usual :)
That's the situation pretty much, the carers are not physical minders.

You don’t know that, especially given what has been reported about this guy.

An individual clinical psychologist accompanying one patient sounds like a bit of a different scenario to someone who supposedly must always be accompanied by two people.
Are we already at that stage of a thread where something like this needs to be explained? :p

You clearly don't work in Public Liability like I do.
This week I've had:
1) My work trousers are a bit too long and they caught while I was walking down the stairs and I fell
2) I fell off the step, I know I've worked in the building for 10 years and walk on it multiple times a day but I misjudged it
3) I slipped on 'slip sheets' that I was pulling from under a patient, yes I've done it 1000s of times but this time was different

Where people think there is a blame there will be a claim
Wonder if Tate Modern are going to take a hit on this?

If they have to implement changes to prevent something like this happening again then surly they are at fault.

It's my understanding that people living in the apartment block opposite the gallery were outraged when the platform opened as it impacted their privacy (people can look straight into their homes) and took the Tate Modern to court but lost. It would be ironic if the viewing gallery was closed as a result of this incident.
It's my understanding that people living in the apartment block opposite the gallery were outraged when the platform opened as it impacted their privacy (people can look straight into their homes) and took the Tate Modern to court but lost. It would be ironic if the viewing gallery was closed as a result of this incident.

Or organised by someone`s super rich friend to make it happen.... (The truth is out their........................)
You know when you can just tell someone is "special"...


Is it the monobrow?
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