5/3/1: The Triumvirate (C3/W3/D2)

Feeling good.

145 x 5
162.5 x 3
180 x 7 (Belt)

172.5 x 10 in the first cycle, 177.5 x 8 in the second and 180 x 7 tonight. Means I haven't made any improvement at all over the last 3 months which is very disappointing.

Weakness: None

Squats (Singles)
185 x 1 (Belt)
190 x 1 (Belt)
195 x 1 (Belt)
200 x 1 (Belt)

All pretty comfortable.

Weakness: None

Time: 60 minutes
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5/3/1: The Triumvirate (C3/W3/D3)

Good :cool:

Seated Shoulder Press
80 x 5
90 x 3
100 x 6 PB

Happy with that. Had two spotters to help me get the weight up in to position (that's usually worth an extra rep or 2) so knew I would have a good chance of a PB tonight. Tried for a 7th but failed at my head.

Weakness: None

Seated Shoulder Press (Singles)
102.5 x 1
105 x 1
107.5 x 1
110 x 1

Spotters left so did these in the cage. Power off my chest was good but shoulders were FUBAR so stopped at 110.

Weakness: None

Time: 50 Minutes
5/3/1: The Triumvirate (C3/W3/D4)


160 x 5
180 x 3 (MG)
200 x 5 (MG + Belt)

Struggled last week and had no absolutely no confidence tonight. First rep was slow off the floor and the rest were hitched. They were so bad I was advised to drop the weight 'until I was ready' to lift heavier weights. Pathetic.

Weakness: Form

Deadlifts (Singles)
210 x F (Belt)

Not much you can say.

Weakness: Everything

35 minutes
Back on it again after a week off but feel rotten due to abdominal pains and very high blood pressure. Got a doctors appointment booked tomorrow for some blood tests so kept it simple.

Bench Press
90 x 5
100 x 5
110 x 5
120 x 5
130 x 5

Pretty easy.

Deadlifts (DOH)
100 x 5
120 x 5
140 x 5
160 x 5
180 x 5

Pulled fast and had no problems with my grip.
Don't plan to stop but got to take it reasonably easy at the moment or risk my head exploding :eek:

Blood pressure's down from 165/98 last week when I felt at my worst to 140/88 today so still high but dropping. Could've been caused by a kidney infection or something although my family have a history of high blood pressure and kidney disease so it could just be that I'm naturally ****** and that's as low as it's going to go :o

Amusingly the nurse I saw refused to take any blood and said a doctor had to do it but I could book an appointment at the well being clinic in two weeks time when she could take it...
Felt even worse over the last few days and have now got a permanent headache with spells of dizziness and confusion. No idea whats wrong but gonna book another doctors appointment because I'm beginning to get freaked out by it :(

85 x 5
105 x 5
125 x 5
145 x 5
165 x 5

Strength was good but felt very unsteady on my feet.

Seated Shoulder Press
50 x 5
60 x 5
70 x 5
80 x 5
90 x 5

5 strong solid sets.
Not been to the gym since my last post. Stomach virus ruined me and left me unable to eat or stand up. Lost over half a stone in weight but I'm now back on solid albeit small portions of food.

One side effect of the virus seems to be I can no longer eat much sugary food without feeling like my head's going to explode so I've got to have tests for reactive hypoglycemia :/

Not sure if I'll get to the gym next week but I certainly won't be able to run my 5x5 again this year because I can't fit it in before Christmas :(
Cheers Bros :)

No gym again this week but most of my problems bar my stomach disliking food have gone. Went doctors again this morning and I've now been given a prescription of Apercap and Omeprazole which help to combat IBS, GERD and Gastritis so hopefully that'll help.

No idea how much weight I've lost now but not being able to eat much food hasn't helped! :o
Cheers Bros :)

No gym again this week but most of my problems bar my stomach disliking food have gone. Went doctors again this morning and I've now been given a prescription of Apercap and Omeprazole which help to combat IBS, GERD and Gastritis so hopefully that'll help.

No idea how much weight I've lost now but not being able to eat much food hasn't helped! :o

PK, plz respond, how are things?
Sorry Delvis, haven't been in here for a while so missed your post.

Haven't been to the gym since my last post because my stomach's still wrecked unfortunately. Ran my prescription for a month and two days after stopping my stomach was just as bad as it was before I started so I'm back on the Apercap and Omeprazole again. Got an appointment with the Gastroenterologist tomorrow evening so hopefully something will come out of that.

Completely written off this year now :(
Waited 6 weeks for my appointment with the Gastroenterologist tonight only for the appointment to last 10 minutes and be told I'll need to wait a further two months to have an endoscopy :rolleyes:
Cheers mate.

I'm going to assess where I am once I'm able to eat properly again but given I probably won't have lifted for around 6 months by the time I'm back in the gym I may have to consider other ways to get my strength up.
Quick Update.

Generally felt better over the last few weeks but still haven't been to the gym since early October. The medication I'm on has allowed me to eat more again but only between 1500-2000 calories so I'm not able to gain weight at the moment.

Had my endoscopy (it's the size of a ****ing hose pipe) this afternoon and I've been diagnosed with severe Gastritis and Barrett's Syndrome so far. The doctor had no idea what caused the Gastritis but the BS was a result of the Gastritis and GERD which can lead to throat cancer if the abnormal cells mutate. Had a biopsy taken but was told that's routine and nothing to worry about.

Next step will be an appointment with my local GP again to discuss things that could've caused my Gastritis like a food intolerance, gallbladder disease or something else.

Down but not out and I will be back!
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