6850K = £575.99 [ocuk price]
6700K = £329.99 [ocuk price]
Price difference = £246
Midian, I want you to now come up with a valid non emotionally charged reason why you want the 6850K over the 6700K?
And why you are willing to pay £246 more for less performance whilst Gaming?
You stated in the opening post this build is exclusively for Gaming.
I look forward to your response![]()
Well the reason I did not mention the 6700k as it was not in the configurator for the original spec I used for the pc. I have said in this forum that I am not really that much of a tech guy, I try to keep up on some things not all.
And to be honest I do not have to justify any decision I make to you, If I want to spend £245 more of my own money on something I will do mate. I do not see how it affects you.
There have been some great suggestions in this thread and I appreciate them all, but if I was to do every single one of them I would have about 7 cases, 6 CPU,s Ect.
My build has changed quite a bit and I am happy, apparantly you are not, but that is life.