I am not going for the 6900k
My build is currently-
Case: Undecided
CPU: 6700k
Motherboard: Maximus VIII Hero
RAM: 16gb G.Skill Trident Z
PSU: EVGA Supernova 1000
GPU: SLI MSI Geforce gtx 1080 Seahawk X (AIO watercooled)
SSD (OS): Samsung 256GB SM961 M.2 SSD
SSD: 1tb Samsung 850 Evo
SSD: 1tb Samsung 850 Evo
OPTICAL DRIVE: Internal or External Blue-Ray & DVD (depends on case)
LIGHTS: NZXT Hue & RGB color changing dual channel internal led controller
OS: Windows 10
For a case, are you wanting small or large? Or don't you really care?
And is quietness your main concern or interesting looks?
For your motherboard, I'd consider this one instead https://www.overclockers.co.uk/giga...cket-1151-ddr4-atx-motherboard-mb-54b-gi.html
It supports faster RAM and has 10 Gb/s USB 3.1 ports instead of 5 Gb/s. And 2 3.1 ports instead of 1. And also a U.2 connector in addition to the M.2 one.
Then I'd get 2 sets of this RAM for 16GB https://www.overclockers.co.uk/team...l-kit-black-txd48g3866hc18adc0-my-067-tg.html
Also I'd go for the 1TB Polaris SSD https://www.overclockers.co.uk/sams...3.0-x-4-nvme-solid-state-drive-hd-226-sa.html You're spending this much money anyway, and the 1TB is a lot cheaper per GB and also a fair bit faster because it has more memory chips so there's more parallelism (look at the IOPS difference)
Also SLI is up to you, but know what SLI support is pretty bad at the moment, so there won't be many games that it'll be active on. Even DOOM doesn't do SLI. Plus even at 3440x1440 there are very few games you need it at. Even the Witcher 3 will run above 60 fps on one overclocked 1080. Also if it's a choice of 1080 SLI and no money leftover, or one 1080 and upgrading to 1080 Ti later, definitely drop the 1080 SLI. Having one 1080 Ti will be better than 1080 SLI in the long-run, and for a more consistent experience.
Then if you do go for one 1080, you wouldn't need watercooling to keep them cool while being close together, so I'd recommend this one https://www.overclockers.co.uk/pali...dr5x-pci-express-graphics-card-gx-03c-pl.html that one will actually be even quieter than the seahawk because it doesn't have fans + a pump competing for noise, and the cooler is ludicrously quiet (also shuts off its fan below 60 degrees, so no noise at all unless gaming)
A case you should consider is this https://www.overclockers.co.uk/nzxt...husiast-tower-case-matte-black-ca-125-nx.html this is assuming you're going for quietness and don't care about size. That case has room for anything you'd want to put in it and is sound dampened. However it's not good if you want tons of LEDs and flashy stuff.
Also for a power supply. You don't actually need 1000W even for 1080 SLI (or even 1080 Ti SLI) so in that price range I'd go for a lower Watt Platinum supply instead of higher Watt Gold supply. Platinum will lower your chances of Coil whine even more than Gold. This is a very good one https://www.overclockers.co.uk/supe...platinum-power-supply-gunmetal-ca-049-sf.html
OR if you want to spend more on a supply, and get the best possible while keeping 1000W, then go for this https://www.overclockers.co.uk/supe...us-titanium-power-supply-black-ca-027-sf.html Titanium is the best rating you can get at the moment.
TL;DR of Suggestions
- This motherboard supports faster RAM and has faster USB ports
- This RAM is very very fast and has lifetime warranty
- May as well get the 1TB M.2 drive because it's cheaper per GB and actually faster too (particularly for many small tasks due to its IOPS)
- Consider not getting SLI due to lack of support, and especially if this leaves money to upgrade to a 1080 Ti when available. Then if you do get one card, you no longer need watercooling to move the heat away from the two cards, so consider this one for extreme quietness and also higher stock clocks
- This case is awesome if you want lots of room and quietness. However not good for flashy LEDs or smallness.
- You don't actually need 1000W even for 1080 SLI (or even 1080 Ti SLI) so in that price range I'd go for a lower W Platinum supply instead of higher W Gold supply. Platinum will lower your chances of Coil whine even more than Gold. So this is a great supply. Alternatively go for this if you want the best of the best and also keep 1000W.
EDITED: Added power supply suggestion.
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