I had a very similar issue with an Biostar I55 motherboard - 4GB of RAM (2x2GB), but the OS only sees "1.99 GB Usable in Windows 7 64bit.
The manual says I can only use either A1 OR B1 to boot, now if I use A1 the system boots, if I use B1 the system will not boot up with any 4 sticks of ram I used
If I put 4 x 2GB ram in I have 4GB out of 8GB usable, I then began to switch slots etc & found that if I put ram in slots A1 & A2 - 4GB of ram does show up, but using slots B1 & B2 fail to show any physical ram, so it must be the two faulty dim slots.
I did some more investigating of this problem & it seems that the issue can arise to misaligned pins, bent pins, missing pins on the socket.
Upon close inspection of the socket this is what I found.
The fairly well known company I bought it from refused RMA stating it was end user damage, then also Target Computers the distributor who handle RMA for Biostar also refused RMA.
I also spoke to Gigabyte & their Tech said if it was a Gigabyte motherboard they would issue an RMA. -
Further to this I spoke to Trading Standards/Consumer Direct as I read in the Sales Act that in the first 6 months of a purchase if the damage cannot be proven to be done by the end user then you warranty claim still exists.
Finally after stating this & quoting the Trading Standards Reference number to the Retailor in question I got a call from them saying they would offer a refurbished Asus P7P55D worth £113, my original motherboard cost £138 so I refused this & asked if they would agree if I could purchase a brand new Gigabyte GA-P55A-UD4 for (£75ish) around 50% of its purchase value which they agreed.
I think part of the problem is the Foxconn retention bracket, the new P55
A Gigabyte models all use the Lotus retention bracket - all in all this took over 3 months to sort out but now I'm happy.
All goes well I'll be installing my new motherboard at the weekend - definitly sticking with Gigabyte all the time now.