Alpha 11 code named “Annihilation Release” is out and it’s by far our biggest releases to date!
The feature rich Annihilation update includes: Unity 5 with new standard shader reflection probes, , new ambient occlusion, new fog, new speed tree system, new sky system, new steam networking, new quality range system for guns, weapons, tools and armor, new gore block system, new player leveling system with crafting quality bonuses, random gen improvements with caves, roads on hills, new rivers, new bridges, and a new RG mixer xml, new high res zombies including feral, spider burnt, new blunderbuss muzzle loader and primitive bow, new high res first person hands and animations, many new locations including a huge hospital, 2 new grocery stores, a new larger bookstore, new larger hardware store, 2 new luxury cabins and an Indian burial ground. This is just some of the new features, content, improvements and bug fixes we’ve added.
Folks this is by far the largest update to date and as Mr. T use to say “I pity the fool” that don’t try this build. This update has some big framework changes so starting a new game is a must. Please don’t try to salvage your old saved game. And for those of you that experience any problems please use your steam client to delete local files and reinstall the game. Also there is a known issue that dedicated servers randomly crash when clients disconnect we’re still trying reproduce this problem.
Also if you are not getting the performance you’d hoped turn down chunk distance, tree quality, reflection quality and reflection distance and you should be able to achieve a better look and performance than Alpha 10.4
For a complete list of Alpha 11 release notes I pity the fool who don`t read it! It`s gonna be pure gold!
Official Alpha 11 Release Notes
Added Unity 5 with many of its newer bells and whistles
Added new Steam networking and server browser enhancements
Added new Speedtree system with brand new gorgeous trees and bushes. The fidelity of the trees can be adjusted for quality and performance in menu/options/video/tree quality.
Added Unity 5’s global physical based shader system and refined all the art to take advantage of it. The fidelity of the system can be adjusted for quality and performance in the menu/options/video under reflection quality and reflection distance.
Added our own Screen Space ambient occlusion system that gives everything better shadows and weight and darkens caves and interiors
Added our own new water reflection that interacts with the standard shader
Added our own new custom high res better looking fog
Added new high res sky system with stars that can appear on clearer nights
Added a new quality range system for guns. The system allows players to find gun parts of varying quality ranges. The parts have 7 quality ranges with colored degradation bars including grey broken, brown faulty, orange poor, yellow good, green fine, blue great, and magenta flawless. Once the player collects enough parts and has read the right gun book unlocking a recipe he can assemble a working gun. The average quality of all the parts determines the quality of the assembled weapon. The parts themselves govern attributes like damage, accuracy, degradation rate, penetration, falloff range and in the future zoom level and knockback strength. This will allow for thousands of permutations of guns like a realistic Borderlands
Added the new item quality range system for tools, melee weapons and armor. Bow, crossbow, wrench, hammer nail gun, chainsaw, auger and clothing will come in a future update.
Added new player leveling system. The system increase your chances to craft higher quality ranged items at higher levels with +/- 50 degree of random quality. The system is basic a precursor to skill trees. The player currently will earn XP for activities like killing zombies, unlocking new recipes and crafting new recipes for the first time.
Added new locations including a huge hospital, 2 new grocery stores, a new larger bookstore, new larger hardware store, 2 new luxury cabins and an indian burial ground. Note some of these are Navezgane only and some are random gen only
Added new random gen underground cave system, new random gen roads on hills, new random gen biome transition dithering, improved random gen rivers, improved bridges over rivers
Added new high res first person hands and first person animations
Added new first person procedural camera system with procedurally based physics and inertia
Added new player safe zones set in the serverconfig.xml. The safe zones disable zombies in chunks for 5 in game hours if you don’t have a sleeping bag and are level 5 or under
Added new smoother iron sights system
Added new craftable primitive blunderbuss single shot primitive muzzle loader gun and blunderbuss ammo
Added new craftable new primitive bow and arrows
Added rare Tazas Stone Axe weapon which can be found in new rare Apache Artifacts Chests in caves and in indian burial grounds
Added new feral zombie to the game which has a chance for gun loot if you kill him
Added new on fire burnt zombie to the game. He has a chance to catch you on fire if he hits you
Added Fire Buff icon to Game which can happen from players hitting you with a torch, walking on lit campfires, walking on large ember piles and from on fire zombies striking you. Submerge yourself in water to douse the fire.
Added new high res spider zombie to the game
Added new Zombie Gore Block System: corpses decompose into a bloody terrain pile which can grow if more zombies die near or on top of each other eventually live zombies will use the gore blocks to cross over your spiked pits or jump over your fort walls. If the gore blocks are left alone the will eventually biodegrade.
Added Items made from cloth such as clothing can now be scrapped into cloth
Added cobblestone ramps that upgrade and downgrade like cobblestone blocks, and recipe to make them.
Added wood railing recipe
Added health storage crate and recipe
Added paper scrapping from skill books
Added Sniper rifle schematic
Added Hunting Rifle book
Added new plains ground texture
Added cash register loot containers to the stores and businesses
Added stone shovel and recipe to the game
Added new primitive sod recipe used to make sod houses
Added unattainable books to gate all weapon part molds. Weapon part forging may appear in a future update.
Added insecure downgrade path to player made storage crates
Added recipe for flagstone and wedge flagstone
Added dynamite held item and new dynamite bundle placed block models
Added shopping cart and shopping basket loot containers found in stores and businesses
Added flagstone stairs and recipe
Added small engine and auger blade to loot
Added snow roads and green metal 60’s and tip blocks to the game
Added green metal roof gable and inside corner wedge green metal roof
Added snow roads to snow biomes in RWG
Added auger recipe
Added handlebars to automotive loot
Added tooltips to category icons in server browser
Added new Steam voice proximity chat please test push <v>to talk
Added new flashlight model replacing the old one
Added snow blowing/drifting effect to snow biome
Added blowing sand/dust to desert biomes
Added casino token to the loot
Added shamway foods cardboard box loot containers and shamway crates that require breaking
Added wood stairs filled block shape WIP
Added new pill case looting sounds
Added window plug centered block shapes and unified boarding up existing windows and plywood filled windows in the world using a hammer and planks they now upgrade to one board, two boards, 3 boards and sheet metal
Added sportings good loot to shotgun messiah crates and reduced chance for full weapons to be found
Added new stalactites, moss and mushrooms to new caves
Added Generic Attribute system now usable on ANY item
Added snow zombie female sound set to the game
Added spider zombie sense sounds never had these in before
Added new iron shovel model
Added new sledgehammer
Added new system for arrows to fall with gravity
Added new custom burnt zombie sound set and added missing zombie sounds to the sounds mix xml
Added new audio mixers for impact bullet, impact general and block destroys to help with the overall mix. Note: this doesn’t fix shotguns shooting trees or chainsaw impacts overloading channels but it helps
Added recipe for bolts and arrows from femurs
Added burnt embers to burnt forest
Added hot embers to burnt forest terrain texture
Added you can now mine burnt embers and get bits of coal
Added zoom to player preview
Added new stun rules for zombies. (If your stamina is over 50 you have a 100% chance to stun a zombie and if your stamina is 50 or below it is your stamina level x 2.
Added edible mushrooms found in caves
Added all new firearm reload sounds
Added new give up time for static spawned and biome spawned dogs. They will chase you for about 20 seconds and give up unless they damage you or you damage them which results in thier give up time resetting. Note horde spawned dogs will not give up.
Added new Steam Voice Chat integration works only in proximity of other players press<v> to talk
Added english.txt entries for all camel cased missing items
Added a mouse-over ToolTip for the level progress in the character menu
Changed improved wellness feedback so the size of health stamina bars reflect your current top capacity along with sounds, screen fx, tooltips and character screen info to give proper feedback
Changed lowest wellness bottom capacity to 50
Changed respawning players should have full meters of health and stamina
Changed stack limit on weapon repair kits increased to 50
Changed driftwood can no longer be picked up, but has to be chopped like a tree. It cuts down much faster though
Changed recipe for aloe cream now requires four aloe plants instead of one
Changed antibiotics only raise your wellness by 1 on consumption instead of two. They still add wellness over time
Changed player made concrete and cobblestone walls drop destroyed stone when broken
Changed sped up making plant fibers from grass
Changed slowed down making plant fibers from yucca
Changed sped up crafting of metal trussing
Changed sped up stick crafting and increased yield
Changed increased stack limit of paper to 250
Changed sped up gravel crafting time
Changed updated normal maps for storage crates
Changed roaming hordes now are small on day 1 and get bigger and nastier up until day 7 then the cycle restarts. On day 6 there are roaming dogs, to help cue the player that the next day will have the feral hordes coming. Day 7 roaming hordes are now full nasty ones containing cops, dogs and hornets, like the wasteland spawns use. Day 8 should restart the cycle, with roaming hordes being very small and easy
Changed Integrated menu into one game scene which speeds up game load times and allows video and audio options to be changed from in game now
Changed corpses now carry “junk” loot and gun parts and ammo
Changed nerfed food found in purses
Changed all firearms now require a book or schematic to craft
Changed all firearm part molds can no longer be crafted but are still in the game. They might be exposed later when skill trees are implemented.
Changed aligned sniper barrel icon to look better when on the crafting table
Changed optimized pine forest and changed spectrum
Changed removed spider zombies from general spawning. Now when you see them they will always be scout zombies which can summon a horde if not killed quickly
Changed thickened grass textures
Changed added new chrysanthemum texture
Changed pine forest has its own color spectrum
Changed metal shovels dig faster
Changed increased how much a small rock repairs a stone tool
Changed improved plains grass and color spectrum, adding red dawn
Changed optimized distance checks in all areas of random gen
Changed removed grass blocks from all barns so they display native terrain
Changed all roads in random gen snow biome use snowy road texture
Changed Dynamite no longer adds structural stability when placed and does not stick to walls or ceilings
Changed removed coal torch item
Changed: Minerals always survive stability crashes
Changed all non item data is removed from items.xml and put into the newly created misc.xml
Changed all of the spectrums
Changed the focus box on torches/candles to no longer show
Changed recipe of stone axe to use small stones instead of sharp stones.
Changed crossbow bolts use small stones instead of sharp stones
Changed removed sharp stone recipe, they are no longer used in the game, use small rocks instead
Changed all recipes using grass to use plant fibers
Changed removed rocket launcher from game until it can be better integrated
Changed now the sun now orbits realistically based on the local latitude and time of year
Changed made new Bookstore Bookcase thats a little less generous with book loot and thinned bookcases in both bookstores
Changed crossbow now requires forged metal and leather strips in its recipe
Changed added all ranged weapon fires to the sounds.xml and gave them full volume
Changed rivers to no longer have their own biome
Changed biome water levels to match river
Changed rivers now sometimes feed into biome lakes
Changed lowered the footstep overlay volume for the feral, snow and burnt zombies
Changed STATS is only written of a connection is successful
Changed improved wellness feedback health and stamina meters are the size of their capacity, meter added to character screen with current amount and full capacity, sound effects, gui gow and new messaging for state changes
Changed iron pickaxe recipe to use only 3 ingots
Changed riverbeds to dirt
Changed removed coal spots from burnt forest
Changed femurs have no degradation and can now be stacked to 10
Changed nerfed feathers in loot since you can craft more from one feather now
Changed removed degradation from torches and you can now stack 50 of them
Changed tweaked damage of stick and femur
Changed stone doesn’t break when falling
Changed hub spawn chances
Changed added new shotgun and sawed off shotgun sound fx. They also now play random variants
Changed removed tungsten from mining until we can find a good use for it
Changed potassium Nitrate ore only gives you 5 Potassium Nitrate Powder instead of 10
Changed coal ore only gives you 5 coal pieces instead of 10
Changed junk loot now has more stuff in it, and trash now uses junk loot so there is a greater chance of finding something good in garbage
Changed default spectrums have no purple and less fog
Changed updated light intensities for prefab lamps brighter
Changed players can use the f key to toggle on one at a time mining helmet or equipped flashlights. Note: This will work with upcoming weapon flashlight attachments in A12
Changed Zombies now run based on sunAngle rather than “time”
Changed removed unused inventory tab removed from the characters inventory GUI
Changed reduced dogs and stags FOV from 330 to 180 they shouldn’t see you as easy now
Changed increased spawning in forests and desert biomes
Changed: Increased distance of player spawn from wasteland biome edge
Changed: Decreased non central wasteland hub spawning to 5%
Changed gun crafting times to 5 seconds since the player takes them apart frequently to do upgrades
Changed Stamina use for all tools and weapons is now 8 per swing
Changed stone axe and fire axe are worse weapons and better tools
Changed protection value scale to be more easily readable
Changed protection values to drop trailing decimal points
Changed logic on bow
Changed Reduced degradation on mp5
Changed reduced frequency of hungry and starving penalties and reduced how fast you die when starving
Changed liquids can no longer debuff players while burning. First aid kits and bandages do though.
Changed unified all guns now have 4 parts to recipes to work with the new gun quality system
Changed spike trap damage bounds and amounts for players and zombies
Fixed burn time on wooden stairs
Fixed Dog plays death animation immediately when killed, not delayed after the attack animation completes
Fixed Diersville Trees Drop Multiple bundles of wood
Fixed enforcer magazine can be converted to paper or burnt
Fixed zombies will now follow you down a shaft up to 20 meters deep, they should be better about finding you underground
Fixed reworked network communication for forge to decrease item loss and dupe bugs
Fixed a campfire exploit bug
Fixed bug where biome deco random Loot containers were rotated wrong
Fixed bug where sometimes if you were hit while looting: Loot timer stops but can’t move
Fixed various clothing items that could not be scrapped into cloth
Fixed spelling on vegetable stew english.txt
Fixed backpacks dropped in doorways cause nullref when attempting pickup
Fixed save games should now always match their original game mode
Fixed dedicated servers now default to drop nothing on quit to match default settings
Fixed feral mode icon in server browser at wrong position
Fixed servers not properly receiving client data
Fixed Server browser: Feral mode active icon at correct position
Fixed game server not shutting down when switching to main menu
Fixed entity draw distance to match chunk draw distance
Fixed Server Browser page buttons displaying wrong state when filtering for server name
Fixed relooting empty containers rolls loot
Fixed auger duplicating items on MP game
Fixed exception when dying/respawning
Fixed campfire repair exploit
Fixed bug if inventory full, items get lost on pickup
Fixed crops vanish on pickup if only free space in toolbelt
Fixed auto-equip destroying items
Fixed the seam between the curtain top and bottom halves
Fixed timing on zombie crawler attack
Fixed background of item names in recipe preview is too small
Fixed splitting a stack after crafting makes you lose half
Fixed smells work, but tooltip is wonky
Fixed decayed brick block models drop nothing
Fixed some UI textures are influenced by texture resolution settings
Fixed character rotation bug in Inventory UI
Fixed camera track offsets for both mirror and character creation
Fixed barbed wire does nothing
Fixed wood spikes don’t work most of the time
Fixed server pushed config files remaining loaded
Fixed food items with negative hydration allow for going over the hunger cap
Fixed can’t break down bullets
Fixed scrapping dupes items
Fixed disappearing gun part bug
Fixed can’t scrap cooking pots
Fixed learn on craft isn’t working correctly
Fixed Cook Button resets progress of cooking
Fixed canned water still superstacks
Fixed Campfire shift click item loss
Fixed similar recipes (output) cloning ingredients when using craft list
Fixed Navezgane and random gen map info descriptions
Fixed persistent profile game menu description
Fixed iron armor can be repaired
Fixed floating decals
Fixed persistent profile game menu description
Fixed replacing parts in a gun loses all ammo
Fixed player dropped backpacks are breaking from zombies
Serverconfig.xml, Multiplayer and Modding
Added new playerSafeZoneTime and playerSafeZoneLevel perimeters. The default for each is 5 and here is how they behave.
playerSafeZoneTime= 5 Controls how many in game hours it takes for zombies to spawn in chunks around players who do not have a sleeping bag placed
playerSafeZoneLevel = 5 Players who are at this level or under will spawn in safe zones if they do not have a sleeping bag placed
If you always want safe zones set the level to 60
If you don’t want safe zones set both parameters to 0
Note players who spawn near other players will still get zombies
Changed default permission level for commands not explicitly given in serveradmin.xml is 0
Changed default permission level for users not explicitly given in serveradmin.xml is 1000
Changed refactored materials.xml to use new xml format
Changed removed serveradmin.xml, will be auto created in save game folder, and only loaded from that location
Added reload serveradmin.xml on external changes to file, save it on changes made by the game admin commands
Changed banning a player who uses family sharing also bans the owner of the license
Added stat output to client log
Changed format of items.xml to get closer to the “common” 7DTD xml format
Server config: DropOnQuit: Allowing both Nothing and Everything as Standard values
Print kick reason to log on clients
Changed permission level for commands in serveradmin.xml applies to all variants of that command (e.g. “lp” also affects “listplayers”)
On dedicated servers print stats to log only if there’s at least one player online
CM command now also enables fly mode
bat: Assigning a different name to the logfile on each start, keeping only 20 most recent logs. No longer trying to start PuTTY / Telnet
Allow connecting to “localhost”
Connecting to a dedi by IP stores the server in history
Filter BB codes from player names in chat / scoreboard / map screen
Filter BB codes from player sent chat messages
Allow BB codes in “say” command for colored server messages
Added a new random gen mixing xml for modding the game and controlling some of the random gen world features
Known Issues
Dedicated servers randomly crash when clients disconnect we’re still trying reproduce this problem.
Quitting to main menu without actually exiting the program may cause some data transfer between games/servers. Please quit the client ENTIRELY before joining servers or new single player games.