76 trans children at one school

7 Aug 2003
In my opinion women’s sport will quickly become irrelevant because of it and it can only get worse over the next 20 years as the current crop reach adulthood.

Female atheletes are beginning to wake up to it and are starting to put their heads above the parapet to speak out even though they obviously face abuse in doing so.
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Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
Want to know what happens if you criticise this? These two radio commentators lost their jobs for the following clip:

To be honest I felt uneasy on how they were talking about another human being.
They could have done it in a Piers Morgan way where he would just give his view that it's wrong and why it's wrong but taking the pee is going too far IMHO.
25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!
To be honest I felt uneasy on how they were talking about another human being.
They could have done it in a Piers Morgan way where he would just give his view that it's wrong and why it's wrong but taking the pee is going too far IMHO.

They actually said several times how they were okay with what someone wanted to do in their own life and even expressed some sympathy towards people with life events that could lead to seeking such resolutions. Their criticisms and derision were, I think, about the guy thinking it entitled him to play in a junior women's league. They weren't mocking trans people in general - they were criticising him.

But that's just my take on it.
29 Jan 2008
Female atheletes are beginning to wake up to it and are starting to put their heads above the parapet to speak out even though they obviously face abuse in doing so.

Well there is already the intersex issue with running, add trans people into the mix and it could make for some very dubious "female" athletes at future olympic events.

The reaction against those who speak out can certainly be quite harsh - there was a British athlete, 800m runner, who came 6th place (IIRC?)... she spoke out about it (not from a position of ignorance but she'd actually written a thesis on the subject at university) yet she got blasted on twitter by the usual reactionary SJW types. They did sort of miss that it wasn't just the South African intersex person who got gold that was in question but (IIRC) the top 3 runners were in question... the actual female athletes (with the usual set of chromosomes/regular genitalia) were placed from 4th place onwards... ergo this British Athlete lost out on a Bronze medal... not surprising she might have an opinion on the subject.
5 Jan 2017
It takes a very special kind of awfulness to make Piers Morgan the good guy in any given debate. He's one of the worst people to be championing your cause and his knowledge of the subject isn't nearly good enough to really take apart Munroe Bergoff's arguments. Which is a shame, because they need to be.

Social Contagion is a real thing. Confused children, often autistic are being encouraged to "come out" as trans and rewarded for doing so (I can show you examples from approved school guidance). The current Trans movement is bullying and vicious, especially towards women. Parents wishes and input is being deliberately excluded left, right and centre (again, school guidance by groups like Scottish Trans and Allsorts explicitly overrides parents wishes and basically comes down to "they're bigots if they don't immediately affirm"). Young girls are being put on clinical pathways to mastectomies, hormone treatments, breast binding (very harmful); boys are similarly harmed although young girls are identified as trans at a rate 11x higher than boys. We have court cases where calling your male assailant a man in court has been grounds for reducing the compensation he is required to pay you (case of Tara Wolf who punched a sixty-year old woman to the ground and began kicking her because she didn't agree he was a woman. Court convicted him but reduces the fine because the victim used "him" in court). Social workers and psychiatrists are afraid to actually help young people because they could get in trouble for being "transphobic". You get people like Aimee Challenor building his entire career on being trans. You get people like Lily Madigan using no-platforming and specious complaints to exile actual women from the Labour Party so that he can be the Woman's Officer for his area; whilst engaging in misogynistic attacks on women who object. (And I mean actual misogyny, not the modern "this video game character's boobs are too big" misogyny). Caitlin Jenner tells the "amusing" story on stage about how his 11 year old daughter saw secretly him using her underwear for his pleasure - the audience laughs. Twitter now has a policy of banning you if you say that a man is actually a man. Researchers who study areas that TRAs (Trans Activists) object to find their grants withdrawn or papers unpublished (for example, research into de-transitioning or correlation of Trans-identification with autism). Womens Place meetings are beset by Antifa types in masks who pin old women in stairwells and prevent them from escaping whilst claiming online that "transphobic bigots" are endangering their lives. The movement is rife with outright lies about suicide stats and detransition rates in order to force parents to affirm their child's new gender. Lesbians are being driven out of gay venues by an influx of straight men claiming to be women and calling them "terfs". Online abuse by TRAs is at astronomical levels. (Content warning: The following link is pretty strong stuff - https://terfisaslur.com - Terf is basically anyone who doesn't agree that a guy is a girl just because he says so.) The movement exhibits multiple signs of a cult - encouraging separation from family members, persecution narratives, logical impossibilities and specious reasoning, encouraging feelings of failure or betrayal if you start to doubt your trans nature (I've a particularly awful example of someone being bullied for questioning whether they might not actually be trans - I'll dig it out later). It's a fountain of bad and misrepresented science, such as ideas of people having the "wrong" brain. Groups like Mermaids are rooted in gender conformity. You have eight year old girls (real example) coming home after a Mermaids presentation saying "I have a boy brain" because they're interested in cars. Which is especially alarming when you realise that girl might then be encouraged to change their name, gender identity and potentially go to very confusing counselling programs. In my day, Feminism (I'm old) was saying that a girl can be a mechanic just as much as a boy, and had the right to pursue such a career if she chose. Modern feminists and TRAs seem to think equality is that you can BE a boy if you want to be a mechanic, because that's a "boy thing". And if you doubt that, I have some slides from a Mermaid presentation to young children promoting just those gender messages. Pro-TRA GPs have been banned from prescribing certain drugs because they were giving them to young children to interfere with their natural sexual development (i.e. cross-sex hormones. The GP I have in mind is promoted by the Mermaids group). People with legitimate medical conditions like *actual* Gender Dysphoria or Intersex conditions like AIS are co-opted by the movement to "prove" that sex isn't binary. I have friends from both categories and they hate the way they are exploited by these TRAs for their own purposes. You have women's refuges being sued in Canada because they wouldn't let a man be a RAPE COUNSELLOR. Another women's refuge, women fleeing domestic violence have been forced to share dormitories and showers with a man who claims to be a woman and expresses sexual interest in them. These two examples are illustrative of the wider situation, not comprehensive. This is happening everywhere. The clustering of "trans" identification in schools is clear example of social contagion. Anyone who speaks out against this publicly enough is attacked and often censored in some way. Women's Place meetings have been subject to actual bomb threats when harassment and social media campaigns have failed to get a venue to cancel on the event. I know teachers in Canada who are afraid of being fired if they don't immediately agree that a child is their chosen sex and, I kid you not, are having to revise how they teach biology to account for people who object to a penis being a male organ and a vagina being a female one.

If people are interested, I'll post up examples of all the above things (except the teachers I know which could get them fired). I have a lot of such examples. This is a cult that has very consciously set out to piggy back on the Identity Politics rife in society and to present itself as part of previous movements such as gay and lesbian rights.

I am very angry about what is happening.


Once again, with paragraphs this time round, preferably.
27 Sep 2005
London innit
Paragraphs would help. I am trans. I was born male, but live somewhere between now.I get you are angry, but can you please dial it down. Some of us are just trying to live our lives.
Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
Paragraphs would help. I am trans. I was born male, but live somewhere between now.I get you are angry, but can you please dial it down. Some of us are just trying to live our lives.

The point isn't people trying to live their own lives. It's people trying to control other people's lives using threats, intimidation, political force, violence, bomb threats, brainwashing children...that sort of thing. Does that describe you? If you read h4rmo0ny's posts you'd see that they are explicitly not about people who are transexual and only tangentially about people who are transgender. It's criticism of an ideology.

In the same way, I make no bones about my distaste for feminism, an odious ideology of irrational prejudice and malice that has destroyed any chance of sexual equality in the foreseeable future. Much like trans activism is doing. Which is why I find some detached amusement in this situation, as feminists are being beaten at their own vile game by people playing it even better than them by creating a new top victim-power group identity and feminists aren't so happy about the situation they created and the rules they created when they're not undisputed top dog. I'm old enough to expect to be dead before things get too bad and I don't have any children, so I don't have any pressing reason to care and I couldn't do anything about it if I did. So I may as well get some amusement where I can.

Criticism of an ideology is not the same as criticism of people who don't follow that ideology, no matter how often people claim it is. A more famous example would be the difference between hating Nazism and hating Germans (including those who weren't Nazis, aren't Nazis, worked against the Nazis or were born after Nazism and never had any connection with it).
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
an odious ideology of irrational prejudice and malice

The funny thing is how many of those ideologies are supposedly kicking back against prejudice and not seeing someone as an individual, etc. while inflicting the same prejudices on anyone that doesn't support their cause usually with any irony lost on them.
30 Nov 2005
The blow back on all this crap is going to be fun to watch, this sort of rubbish will be tolerated for a while but everything is cyclical.
25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!
Paragraphs would help. I am trans. I was born male, but live somewhere between now.I get you are angry, but can you please dial it down. Some of us are just trying to live our lives.

You are welcome, as far as I am concerned, to dress how you like, call yourself by what name you like, etc. These are your rights. And I do feel, as Angillion said (thank you) that I've been very specific in my concerns. I don't know you so I bear you no ill-will. I hope you're happy. But I AM very angry and believe I am right to be very angry, about what is happening right now. If you have any specific criticisms of anything I've said, I'll happily debate them. But not that I should be less angry. Children are being permanently harmed, women endangered, careers destroyed and lies and nonsense being held up as sacrosanct. This is what I'm angry about. And whilst I'm making a joke about the whole "paragraphs" thing, you appear to be taking it seriously which I can't accept. A few line breaks make things easier on the eye but the lack of them can't actually prevent you reading or understanding it. Hold your finger to the screen if you must!

To me, telling me I'm too angry and should dial it back, or that I need to reformat my post for you, read as weird criticisms of me saying something, rather than addressing any points I actually made. Why would you WANT me to "dial it down"? Do you feel that it is catching yourself in its scope? I am usually very precise in my wording to make sure that doesn't happen. And I feel if you read my posts you will agree.

And as a trans person, if you are, then you should be very concerned if only for yourself (though I hope you'd be concerned for the children) because as other's point out, the blow-back from what TRAs are pushing right now is going to catch not just them but innocent transsexuals who are just trying to live their lives. I know a couple of trans people who are increasingly pushing back against TRAs precisely for this reason.

EDIT: You may be right that anger can sometimes be unproductive. But I ask you how you can read what I wrote and NOT be angry?
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3 Oct 2007
London, UK
That's not what this is. That's pretty much the opposite of what this is. Removing imposed ideas of gender would be giving people freedom to be themselves. This is the opposite - it's about making imposed ideas of gender even stronger by making them completely synonymous with sex to such an extent that people are being told that if they want to be themselves they must be whatever sex is associated with however they are. It's sexist stereotyping to the max.

It's also a lie. A male person is male regardless of what their gender is. A female person is female regardless of what their gender is. On top of that lie there's another - gender is very far indeed from being a binary state or at most a handful of discrete groups. It's not even a single spectrum. It's a multitude of spectrums and every person is on different points on different spectrums and moves positions on different spectrums at different times and in different circumstances. Frankly, gender isn't a useful concept. It's mostly just artificial anyway and the parts that aren't artificial are only trends and thus inapplicable to any person. Height, for example, is actually gendered. That's not artificially imposed. But it's still irrelevant to any individual. A woman who's 6 inches taller than the average for women isn't necessarily any less feminine than a woman who's the average height for women.

There was more freedom of the type you refer to decades ago, when I was a child. I sometimes played dress-up in my grandma's clothes and jewellery. Nobody cared. That was extremely feminine, but nobody said that I was only allowed to do it if I pretended I was really a girl. A boy was allowed to do feminine things to at least some extent. My sister played with toy cars, climbed trees and buildings. Nobody cared. That was very masculine in those days, but nobody said that she was only allowed to do it if she pretended she was really a boy.

I don't disagree with anything you say. I will say on the bit I highlighted though, that if you'd continued to dress up into your teens the reaction of adults may have been different? If not by your parents then certainly by lots of other parents.

The only reason for posting in here was that some people and so kids are different. Be it gay, trans, whatever. Children are actually far more excepting of people being different than adults, they are blind to these things until adults inflict their own bias/intolerances on them.
3 Oct 2007
London, UK
The point isn't people trying to live their own lives. It's people trying to control other people's lives using threats, intimidation, political force, violence, bomb threats, brainwashing children...that sort of thing. Does that describe you? If you read h4rmo0ny's posts you'd see that they are explicitly not about people who are transexual and only tangentially about people who are transgender. It's criticism of an ideology.

In the same way, I make no bones about my distaste for feminism, an odious ideology of irrational prejudice and malice that has destroyed any chance of sexual equality in the foreseeable future.
Much like trans activism is doing. Which is why I find some detached amusement in this situation, as feminists are being beaten at their own vile game by people playing it even better than them by creating a new top victim-power group identity and feminists aren't so happy about the situation they created and the rules they created when they're not undisputed top dog. I'm old enough to expect to be dead before things get too bad and I don't have any children, so I don't have any pressing reason to care and I couldn't do anything about it if I did. So I may as well get some amusement where I can.

Criticism of an ideology is not the same as criticism of people who don't follow that ideology, no matter how often people claim it is. A more famous example would be the difference between hating Nazism and hating Germans (including those who weren't Nazis, aren't Nazis, worked against the Nazis or were born after Nazism and never had any connection with it).

Really? Yeah this is off topic but you have a strong distaste for feminism? I consider my myself a feminist, why would anyone not be feminist? It is simply about women having equality in society. Perhaps it is some extremist feminism you are referring to? Massive generalisations like that aren't really helpful.
25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!
Really? Yeah this is off topic but you have a strong distaste for feminism? I consider my myself a feminist, why would anyone not be feminist? It is simply about women having equality in society.

This is off-topic, but the reason is because that last one is no longer true. I finally gave up describing myself as a feminist about three years ago when I had to concede we original feminists had lost control of the term and movement. If someone asks me if I'm a feminist today, I'll reply: "yes, if you mean in the old school Equal Opportunity sense, I'm as feminist as they get. But otherwise, no." Modern feminism isn't about women, it's about power. And I'm quoting Stella Creasey, MP and noted British feminist in that. Hell, the Women's Marches in the USA were organized in cooperation with the Nation of Islam - which teaches women should all be home cooking, cleaning and being pregnant. Again, don't be misled by what an organization calls itself. You still get old school feminists like myself. But other than some of the Rad Fems, we've largely stopped describing ourselves as that. Most Conservative and Right Wing people today believe in Equal Opportunity. If that's the criteria then they're all feminists, by your definition!
25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!
Trans activist Zinnia Jones bragging about getting young children black-market puberty blockers. N.b. a Mermaids-affiliated GP has been forbidden by the NHS to prescribe hormone treatments anymore for inappropriately giving them to children.


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