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7700k 4.8Ghz bundle packaging, is this normal?

I can post my certificates if you like.
I left Vauxhall at in 2007/8 then went into electrical installations and now maintenance. Why am i justifying myself to you?
I have time because my job allows me to have time. I sit and wait for things to go wrong. I'm at work now, would you like a photo of that too?
I can post my certificates if you like.
I left Vauxhall at in 2007/8 then went into electrical installations and now maintenance. Why am i justifying myself to you?
I have time because my job allows me to have time. I sit and wait for things to go wrong. I'm at work now, would you like a photo of that too?

Yeah, no; you've missed the point somewhere. We get it - you were once a mechanic, but you moved up on the world to become something, much more sinister...

The guy from face jacker that asks to speak to the manager...
You guys are funny. Do people from your parts not go into a different field of work once they find out it's not for them or they no longer want to do it anymore?
Or is it so backwards that once you leave school that is your job for life?
Lock this thread, the imbiciles have taken over with pettiness and personal insults.
I guess these are the oc knights that will defend no matter how bad the **** up is.

Would you expect to have a high end car delivered to your house on the back of a knackered pickup driven by gypsies only secured in one corner? No. But aslong as the car drives it's ok right?
gavinh87;30444296Would said:
you expect to have a high end car delivered to your house on the back of a knackered pickup driven by gypsies only secured in one corner? No. But aslong as the car drives it's ok right?

Different situation, Bmw (for example) don't hire Members of the travelling community with knackered recovery vehicles to deliver new cars.

The problem is here is that your a bit of a jobsworth :-

jobsworth -

an official who upholds petty rules even at the expense of humanity or common sense.
"parks abound with jobsworths who delight in yelling that you can't do that without special permission"

You've turned a petty mistake into something far more, if that's what gets you off then i feel sorry for you.
A jobs worth for having a higher expectation of what is supposed to be the UK's best? If that's your view then I feel sorry for your customers.
A jobs worth for having a higher expectation of what is supposed to be the UK's best? If that's your view then I feel sorry for your customers.

It was still a mistake, a simple thing that at the end of the day didn't cause issue. I don't understand why you have to make sure a big deal out of the fact that the box was the wrong size as maybe the person couldn't locate the correct one, however a few more pieces of foam could have helped to mitigate the issue.

The dents and bends on the radiator mind I would have issue with as I have never had one arrive in such condition as "New" and expect to have it replaced.

But you seemed to have gone on on a whole other level about this small problem.
My gripe is the lack of a reply from ocuk. Yes 8pack replied but it was as poor as the packaging. Surely they would like comment on this and ensure potential future customers that this is a one off.
If you read the thread you would see that they are not teenagers. One owns his own garage lol Ffs are the people on here all from the same gene pool?
You were the main instigator lol. Then the other oc knights came in, then we have people chiming in without reading the thread it's a joke.
You were the main instigator lol. Then the other oc knights came in, then we have people chiming in without reading the thread it's a joke.

I have read the thread and I am certainly not an OC Knight. I think you are just overstating the issue to the point no one agrees anymore with your initial principle.

8 Pack stated it was because it was just a different box and yeah more padding could be needed. I didn't and don't agree with the fact that we should get over the damage but all he stated was it would still work.
You were the main instigator lol. Then the other oc knights came in, then we have people chiming in without reading the thread it's a joke.

I don't think so.
Obviously doesn't take much to rile you up in that case. I just thought your CV reel off was amusing. Not too bothered about this or your ideas on CS. Best to not drag it out. Apologies if I rattled our cage.
Not at all. I was not riled up by any of it.
I suppose it's hard to read emotions through forums.
The CV rollout was only brought up by me being accused of being a traffic warden :) Enjoy your weekend
If you read the thread you would see that they are not teenagers. One owns his own garage lol Ffs are the people on here all from the same gene pool?

We were insinuating that this comes across as a couple of kids ganging up and cyberbullying an adult.
That's how they are acting, but you make it so easy for them.
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