7970 folding?

I have but did I do it right, I set:-

Name Value
client-type beta
next-unit-percentage 100

Hasn't changed a lot yet but we'll see.
its exactly the same :) just ps3 stopped doing it, everybody with amd cards are well better of now though. people with 7970 are getting around 40'000 - 45'000 points per day, i think a ps3 got around 1000 ppd ! so like having 40 to 45 ps3 running to get the same as one amd 7970! :D
anyone else get choppy/sluggish performance after a few hours folding on these cards? If I'm watching a video/stream my whole system will start lagging every few seconds. I pause the gpu and after a little bit it goes back to normal. temps are around 65c.
MAke sure you turn off hardware accelleration for any browser or flash player or video player. Are you doing anything on the the CPU at the same time? There is some pretty fast IO switching going on due to the speed at which they crunch through the WU's but you might do well to dedicate one HT or Core to the folding process and leave the rest open to the system.
I fold 4 cores smp and gpu while using my system for everything else!

might be that hardware acceleration thing you mentioned as it only goes all sluggish when I'm watching video after a few hours gpu crunching. SMP folding is just fine, even game with it on and don't notice anything.
I usually only have troubles with my 7970 machine when the kids or wife has been watching youtube or playing clubpenguin or something flash related. I recently turned off all hardware acceleration in IE and Firefox and Opera just in case, and also whenever you update flash it turns hardware acceleration back on again it seems. Also if you use any specialist video players they can also have shader support.

But I'm not surprised that with 7907 OpenCL folding AND the CPU cracking on the 4 cores that you might get some lag when trying to watch HD video :eek: :p
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