I may not be the sharpest tool in the box but I dont need to lie to make myself correct.
You do what you feel you have to do and if it involves going into that thread, then crack on brother.
You have been caught out and if anybody now reads your comments, they will know what a hypocrit you are.
How have I been caught out ?
Wait, because I said that right now I don't have anything in my PC overclocked?
So? so you think, well, assume that because of that I automatically don't qualify for some kind of logic?
I'll point it out again.
I bought my I7 950, Noctua NH-D14 and 7970 because I knew how well they overclocked.
When I bought both parts I was aware that they were the best available parts on the market. Thus, I wouldn't need to overclock them just yet. I have, just to make sure it all does what it should, and if and when I need to (and I will, one day) I will make full use of those overclocks.
Fact is they are both fantastic overclockers, but then I already knew that before I bought them. I made sure, see?
Unlike others, who have rushed out and sold their Radeons to buy, well, the same thing.
I've also had the "but you are trying to justify your purchase" rubbish, and I have responded to that also. No, I am not. I am trying to make people see that the 7970 and 7950 are just as good as the 680.
It's people like you, Greg, who just don't want to hear it. Do you know the funny part? no one can accept what I say. No one believes that I paid over £60 for a cooler based on how well it works when the CPU under it is overclocked to hell. No one wants to hear that I bought a 7970 because it overclocks very well and becomes quite an animal. Far more than the 580 it was up against when I bought it.
But your logic? that you bought a 680 because it was the faster GPU? is flawed. It's flawed, Greg, because it quite simply isn't true.
I don't care what other reasons you muster up, because quite simply you have made them clear. You believed that the 680 was the faster card so you bought one.
That is your reasoning and your logic, and you are in this thread trying desperately to hammer that home and make it true.
Hint - just because you keep saying the same thing over and over again doesn't make it true.
You foolishly walked into this thread tonight and began telling me I was wrong and that the 680 was faster. The problem is you were very naive. Simply as ten pages ago we discovered through numerous websites and tests that that is not the case.
When I pointed that out to you you flat out ignored it, like many others.
That is when you started digging. Those benchmarks I showed you earlier from OC3D are the same ones I showed you yesterday. Your reaction to them then was just the same as today.
"But they must be wrong, they must be lying".
But the problem with your argument is that they have been repeated. Not once, but three times by other people. And, they came to the exact same conclusion, the one you are struggling to come to terms with.
That's not my problem. Nor is the fact that you keep on arguing over it when the facts are there for all to see, you just don't want to look at them.
But put quite simply? I would not buy a product that was slow or doesn't overclock. That is why I don't have an AMD Bulldozer.
I've also pointed out how tessellation is all a marketing ploy, as it has been available to developers for
four years.
DX11 is merely a revision or an extension to DX10. Yet, they didn't need to use it to sell cards with DX10.