WCG is the problematic one. Initially whatever you do you can only get a very few WUs, enough to fill your threads and one or two spares. Once you return the first couple WCG then gives you limited trust and you can then set your queue to a reasonable period and it will let you have a load of WUs. But there is still a limit. You will never get past that Zika limit per client and at that point must return WUs to get more. You won't be able to bunker enough for the entire 5 day lead in (now down to just under 2 days), but anyone bunkering now, if they were to set their boinc to get say 3 days work will fill that queue. Even so your PC at this stage isn't fully trusted so you'll need a wingman to validate those WUs. But with enough returned valid WUs your PC will be fully trusted. Once it is the Zika project appears to then not require a wingman for WUs downloaded after that full trust is granted. That is of course the holy grail for the pentathlon as your going to be certain of points for the team in the limited window of the project.
I'm not trying to refill caches during this initial bunker period. Having set my boinc at the outset to grab say 6 days of work and a reserve, it got the full allocation of zika, and then topped off with cosmology. I can then block the uploads and not worry that I needed to get any more WUs. As of now my PCs are still crunching both zika and cosmology. I might possibly run dry for a couple of hours tomorrow evening, but that's not enough for me to fret about as once the project starts my host file settings will be deleted so I can upload / download with normal size caches.
The firewall is an alternative way to deal with the prevention of uploads, but as explained above, Zika won't give you more than a set number of WUs, you have to return to get fresh ones. But set a decent cache days now, and if you start now you'll probably have enough for the limited bunker period that remains.