I just did a google search for Drangon Age Inquisition and seems you are not alone. nVidia and AMD having stuttering issues and memory leaks with Mantle. I would look to the game bud. I do feel at times that we can be swayed to thinking it is something and we look to that to solve it.
What happens when you set everything to low in the settings?
Gregster I've still got my 290 and testing that out with Dragon Age I can definitely confirm it's not the game.
At the same settings there's absolutely no stuttering with a single 290 on DX and mantle where as if I go to the exact same area with the same settings on a single 970 I get stuttering that's very very noticeable, I've tested this out with the other 970 as well just in case it was 1 card being faulty.
Anyway it was the same result an absolute Stutterfest.