Well your allowed your opinion, send your cards back on the ground that Nvidia lied in their specifications, just don't come back on the forum moaning when you have to pay an admin fee when you get your cards back.
Look at the specs again, where does it say that the 224GB/s if constant, or over the entire range of the memory. It doesn't just as it doesn't say that the core clock is constant.
Should we send our cards back because they boost more than the specs say. No of course not, because the spec list is not absolute.
None of this is relevant to the real issue, all the moaning about being miss sold a card, or misled on the spec sheet. People are feeling that they have got less than they thought they were buying, Myself included. But unlike some others I am willing to wait and see what happens in the next few weeks, to see if there is a genuine issue, because before this memory division came to light everyone was oblivious to it thinking that any performance issues were down to the 256bit bus or just not enough grunt. and if it is a genuine issue then what can be done about it.
Shouting, screaming and jumping up and down isn't going to help in any way shape or form. (even if it may be quite good fun at times)