
I think this is my fav PC build ever so clean and perfect.
Can I ask what tools you used to take out your 24 pin PSU cable connectors and other tools for that matter and where do you get the covering your using?

I used to braid all my wires and loved it but often a 24 pin connector would break, but I gave in for 5 years and would like to do my Corsair AX860 wiring.

Thanks. :)

I use MDPC-X tools for my cables, and regular parachord for the sleeving.
Cheers guys! :D

Such a clean build. Your wire management around the back is better than I've ever even managed in the front of any of my computers lol. Well done. A+

It makes such a difference when you make your own cables - standard ones are always either too long or too short.
So Shawy, with the NDA lifted and davido_labido getting a special pre-release crack at modding, what's your take on the In Win 909?
Love the build, hoping you can clue me on the loop though. I thought tubing had to go in one side of the card and out of the diagonal opposite, in order to get full flow around the cards? From birdseye: In top left, out bottom right.
Love the build, hoping you can clue me on the loop though. I thought tubing had to go in one side of the card and out of the diagonal opposite, in order to get full flow around the cards? From birdseye: In top left, out bottom right.

Nope, this is a parallel flow. Has its own issues to consider but is perfectly feasible.
So if I'm only going with one tube into the card, am I able to do it like this or do I have to do opposites?

I don't get you. You still need to have an input and an output on the water block, so you can't have just 1 tube on the graphics.

With the parallel flow Shawy's done, you go into the graphics card, out the matching side, into the CPU, back out of the CPU then into the graphics card again. So whereas normally on a GPU you would exit diagonally opposite where you intake (using 2 ports), you're exiting directly opposite because you have to come back in again (using all 4 ports).
Great looking build OP. Your desk set up as a whole looks really sleek and clean, with the see-through stand of that 34um95 giving the illusion of you having more desk space as the panel floats in the air.
Long overdue update time!

After nearly 4 years of use & neglect, I finally got around to properly finishing this build, the way I should have done those years ago.

As you can see, Mayhems Pastel shouldn’t be used for this length of time. The white particles completely separated from the rest of the liquid, there was a semi-pastel suspended in the middle, and a rather clear pink fluid floating on the top.


Elsewhere in the loop, there was no pastel left, just bubbles and transparent pink fluid.


There was also some discolouration in the tubing, likely from the sun.


Here you can see the discolouration of the tubing more clearly after draining the loop.


As well as the manky fluid, the fans didn’t age well either.


Or the radiators.




I was never a fan of the white fans. Some of you may recall I used them after the 800rpm e-loops didn’t move enough air and I ended up frying my pump. They were meant to be a cheap rival to Gentle Typhoons, but they were just cheap. And the white looked awful.

So here they are; actual Gentle Typhoon 1850rpm!


These are much quieter, don’t have an annoying “ticking” like the old fans would occasionally produce, and push a lot more air! :D
I did, however, have to modify the fans to allow me to attach a radiator to both sides - but these cuts will be hidden from the final build...

As well as changing out the fans and the coolant, I decided on a colour change for the cables. I wanted to hide them a bit, and for a quick fix I decided to dye them black.


This didn’t work. And the only thing that was dyed was the missus’s hand.


Oh well.. New parachord and cable combs it is!

That’s it for this update. I also bought some 1mm aluminium sheet to neaten up the original cut-outs of the case and hide the PSU - but no build pictures of those, unfortunately, as it was a big enough job without stopping for photos every few minutes.

I’ll leave you with an image of how I fill and bleed the loop. Case on it’s side, front of the res taken off, topped up, put back and bled.


Repeat x12
It's been this long? I've not even finished my 901 build!

Always did love this project, good to see some new work on it.

Yup! Just over 5 years since this thread was started...

& Here it is! The PC is finally finished.

What I did:
  • Cut and bent sheet of aluminium covering the PSU and cable mess, as well as fully hiding the pump, fans & SSD power cables.
  • Cut to size a large sheet of aluminium to cover the whole back of the case so only a single cable is visible & drilled holes so that only the tubing can be seen.
  • Cut and bent 4 strips of aluminium to cover the fans up on the radiators.
  • Sprayed the blanking covers, plugs, SLi bridge in satin black.






That's all folks; she's finished!

...Apart from maybe colouring the fluid at some point down the line...:D
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