
Yeah, I love modding my cases but never post about them, but after I saw the 901/4 I fell in love with it, I got the case sitting around my floor, waiting to modded, waiting on GTX 800 series and this build to finish, but I might have to change my design if the Water Cooling potential isn't great. but I will start a thread up in the coming months for my build log :)
nice should start posting them up mine will be going up soon just got everything but the Graphics cards (waiting for the gtx 880s) and processor so mines in the same state as your just sat on my floor waiting to see the result of this so i can get all of that and the watercooling if this turns out good. never modded a case or anything but done motorbikes etc so shouldnt be too hard... famous last words!
So sorry guys!! It's been a while since the last update.. Way too long to be honest, but one thing after another kept coming up preventing me from finishing this build..

I know a lot of you, myself included, really wanted to know how the stacked rads performed. And I now have the answer! :D

.... but you'll have to wait a little longer... :p
I'm still getting a few test results before posting anything, and I will be creating a discussion topic over in the watercooling forum.

Since the last update, I've just had to finish cutting the acrylic and didn't take any photos of the assembly. It was awkward enough as it was without having to stop and take photos every 2 minutes. I will be posting finished shots and giving more details on the build, including test results very soon.

For now though, here's a teaser of the finished build:


(as for the car, I was fitting a new double-din heat unit, active subwoofer, new speakers etc. - had to hide all the cables under the carpet)
Finally :D, has been so long, i have been waiting from the start when you first posted!

anyway, cant wait to see the girl in action and i hope your smart car turned out nicely (i assume that would be why this didnt get finished quicker :p)
Jawdropping, truly jawdropping. I am going to make a criticism though, which to my mind is a big one given the meticulous attention to detail.

The coolant and the paracord don't match :(

The coolant edges towards a more violet side of pink whereas the paracord edges to a more magenta side. In a perfect world the coolant needs to shift towards more red to even the colour up.

It may be nothing, but to me with the pink being the highlight colour it disappoints slightly that the colours don't match.
I think not having the pink match actually accents better

Granted, much in the same way as the system is generally monochrome using various shades of black, grey and silver. It's just my personal tastes, design OCD and the usual "how I would've done it" opinion. For me, the accent colour should match.

Of course none of this takes away from the superb job Shawy's done.
Jawdropping, truly jawdropping. I am going to make a criticism though, which to my mind is a big one given the meticulous attention to detail.

The coolant and the paracord don't match :(

The coolant edges towards a more violet side of pink whereas the paracord edges to a more magenta side. In a perfect world the coolant needs to shift towards more red to even the colour up.

It may be nothing, but to me with the pink being the highlight colour it disappoints slightly that the colours don't match.

Yeah, I know what you mean. The lights on my Ducky Shine III are completely different too. I also kinda wish I had used black parachord for the cables too so to just highlight the tubing and nothing else. Not gonna change it any time soon though lol.:p
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