Final update time!!
It's been quite some time since the teaser images and the failing of my fans & pump. Truth be told, I repaired the PC months ago and it's been
working just fine ever since - I've just been too busy/lazy to update this build log. But better late than never eh?
There's a couple things I'm not 100% happy about - the fans mainly. They do the job just fine, I'm just not a fan of the white frames and
should have gone with some higher RPM eLoops, but I'm not gonna strip it all down and spend money again when I don't have to. I might end up
covering up the fan frames eventually with some black vinyl or something, but for now it'll do.
So, anyway, here it is. Enjoy.
There you go. Hope you guys like it.
When I started this log there was a lot of discusion about whether or not the stacked rads would work, especially with the parallel loop, and
it turns out it does work. Admitidly, it didn't work with 800RPM eLoops in there because they just didn't move any air. But with some 1500RPM
'GTish' fans, it's been working flawlessly (other than a slight memory overclocking fault that's now been fixed).
Temps may not appeal to everyone, but they are well within Intel's spec, and the system won't be run anywhere near full load for prolonged
periods of time anyway.
(CPU @ 4.5GHz 1.35V, RAM @ 2000MHz 9-10-10-24 T1 @ 1.7V)
And here's the whole set up for anyone interested:
LG 34" ultrawide
Ducky Shine III - Cherry MX blue
Logitech Performance MX
Corsair SP2500
Generic RGB LED strip