Update time!
I've got my hands on
most of my components now - just waiting on my radiators, fittings and tubing. Fittings wont be here until at least the end of the month

but hopefully I can get everything ready for then.
I haven't really started anything yet as I'm waiting for my rads so I can start modding my case.
So here's the parts I have up to now:
And I'm going to steal some photos from my
old build log as these items are being carried forward - just pretend that's a 3930k and not a 3820.
Thankfully I don't have to polish those caps all over again..
And there was no way in hell I was selling my MIPs IceForce High Flow water block! Such a shame to see MIPs go out of business.
Also didn't want to sell these beauties as they run at 2000MHz 9-10-9-24 T1
Now onto the new parts:
Replacing my old 680s with pretty much the same cards - GTX 770s
My old budget sound card died so I had to go back to using on board and, man, have my ears been spoilt. Couldn't go back to on board sound again so thought I'd upgrade to a pretty tasty Creative Titanium card.
As much as I loved my old Gelid Wings, they weren't silient. These are.
Pump top and reservoir from Aquacomputer. Really nice build quality and aesthetics. Those plugs on top of the res are about 1mm too tall to fit in a drive bay, so I'm either going to have to find some lower profile plugs or shave the tops of the ones I have.
And of course, some pink.
The Pastel pink from Mayhems looks quite milky. I'm probably going to buy some red dye to try and turn it hot pink like my parachord.
As soon as my radiators land - hopefully next week - I'll be able to crack on with the case mods and installation.