
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and the Order of the Phoenix. :D

Fantastic stuff so far mate, love the choice of colour too. I was sorely tempted to do pink watercooling & braid in the past (in a far less elaborate manner I must add) but I didn't have the guts to go for it.

You also have mail good sir! :)
Close: Order of the Phoenix and Deathly hallows. :p

Not everyone's cup of tea but I like it. :)

Ahhh it was one or the other. I didnt think there was enough orange... Never mind! :p

You may tempt me to be brave and try pink braid if this turns out to look fantastic (which it will of course ;))
Ahhh it was one or the other. I didnt think there was enough orange... Never mind! :p

You may tempt me to be brave and try pink braid if this turns out to look fantastic (which it will of course ;))

After seeing some of my pink sleeving next to the rest of the monochrome build, it looks soooooo much better that I imagined. Everything's quite understated and then BAM! the pink slaps you in the face (in a good way)! :D
It's been a busy few days and I've got a lot done! I'm still in the process of cutting, crimping, and sleeving my cables so those photos will have to wait until I'm finished, but here's some of the other things I've been working on..

Everything is now blocked up!

Kinda annoying as I can't use my PC until my project is finished now.. but it's all starting to take shape.

Still in love with my MIPs Iceforce CPU block: best looking block out there and such a shame they aren't made any more. :(

Eagle eyed amongst you may have noticed the Rampage Black edition I/O cover - kindly donated by who ever I fitted a waterblock for lol.

Both cards are now blocked up and look soooooo sleek, nothing but black and silver. The SLi bridge needs some work though - gonna have to remove that white text.

SSDs are gonna take pride of place at the front of the build - though they will be covered by the aluminium shell - I actually keep forgetting that's part of the build as it's been hidden away in storage with the glass sides since I started this build!


You may have noticed that the front I/O has gone…

Well, most of it has anyway. I'm just keeping the power switch and the front LED for the In-Win logo at the front.

One or 2 USB ports on the front would have been useful, but the cables would have been a nightmare. So I'll have to make do without.

A few posts ago I mentioned the rads needed lifting up slightly to support the graphics cards rather than push them down.. Well I found this handy little contraption today that I'd completely forgotten about. The original design of the case allows you to remove the fan frame to attach the fan, and then fit it to the case by a single thumb screw - pretty handy!

So with some metal I scavenged from a 900D, I made a bracket to mount my radiator stack to the fan mount to easily fix the rads in place.

Still a little rough around the edges, but I'll fix it up once everything else is sorted.

That's it for today!
Stay tuned for some sleeved cables and some sexy matte black fittings!
More awesomeness :D
I am still very interested in that rad stack performance :-)

Might have to wait until the end of next month now - Caseking have changed the ETA on the fittings I've ordered. Unless that means my fittings arrived there and they've already shipped them to OcUK, i won't be getting them 'til the end of April. :(
And I love that cpu block.
It really looks sharp.

I originally bought the AMD version:

Is that the best looking water block you've ever seen or what…?

And on to the next little update - I should warn about the fitting porn you're about to witness..


Here's a better look at what's going on:

So from the reservoir it goes: male-to-male (nipple) -> 45° double rotary ->10mm extension -> 45° single rotary -> 90° single rotary -> pump > 90° single rotary > 90° single rotary.

And on the other side:

Coming back to the res we have: 90° single rotary -> 10mm extension -> 90° single rotary -> 10mm extension -> 10mm extension -> reservoir.

I've just got the 24pin cable to cut/crimp/sleeve left to do now - been putting it off as long as possible lol - and then some waxed thread to sew the cables together.

After that there's a couple more cuts to be done to the case for cables and tubing, and then as soon as my multi-link fittings arrive I'll be able to get this beauty finished. :D
Ok, my net activity starting tomorrow will consist mostly of hunting down that cpu block.
Me love it, me wants it. I assume its universal size, right?

I like that 'mad dream of hydraulics' you are making :D
I really like this case, so looking forward to see how this turns out. Looks really good so far, subbed!
Ok, my net activity starting tomorrow will consist mostly of hunting down that cpu block.
Me love it, me wants it. I assume its universal size, right?

I like that 'mad dream of hydraulics' you are making :D

There's a few AMD ones available still, but no Intel ones left as far as I've found.

Great build so far. Very creative & no wonder I can't get BP 90s anywhere

Really like what your attempting on this one - keep it up

I had to wait about a month for mine - OcUK had some in stock until this morning when I used what was left in an Infinity system. :p
Thanks man!

A little sneak peak on what's to come:

I've been busy sleeving while working on my project, and originally planned on using 'cable combs' to keep the cables nice and straight. I ordered a bunch of them in all different sizes, only to find that they are way too spaced out and look pretty crap imo. So I decided to lace/sew my cables instead, and while I'm not exactly brilliant at it, it's passable - and looks a whole lot better than before.


I originally tried to keep the 6pin and 8pin separate, but it's far easier to sew them together when there's more cables.


Not sure about how they curve off to the side… might have to redo them so they fold backwards instead.


That's it for today, I don't really have much time to work on this in the week but I should be able to make some progress tomorrow. Stay tuned. :)
Thanks mate !
I'll definetely give it a go.

Ps. Oh, and I found this cpu block on the net, but to late - I already spent my limit on watercooling for my rig.
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