A 10 hour walk (the Jay Slater thread)...

He is a 19 year old kid and more than likely a really stupid one. I went to many random houses for "after parties" when I was his age. Although doing this abroad does seem a bit odd. Saying that he hacked at someone with a machete so I guess he has no fear.
Did you go on your own with two random blokes, in a car, 40 minutes away?

I mean we've all been young and stupid (for example I once woke up with my lower half in a river) but this is so far past stupidity you have to consider other motives.
Did you go on your own with two random blokes, in a car, 40 minutes away?

I mean we've all been young and stupid (for example I once woke up with my lower half in a river) but this is so far past stupidity you have to consider other motives.
I'd say getting in a car with two random blokes to go to a party is probably just as if not sightly more sensible than falling asleep half in a river
The river was local though, not 40 minutes away :p
I'm surprised we haven't seen a OcUK map of this supposed 10 hour walk, so that we can determine for sure it was definitely 10 hours and the most sensible route
I checked on Google maps. Think it reckoned Masca to Las Americas was something like 40km and 10.5 hrs. Seems slow but it's presumably taking the elevation into account.

Guess he'd seen similar before his battery died.
I checked on Google maps. Think it reckoned Masca to Las Americas was something like 40km and 10.5 hrs. Seems slow but it's presumably taking the elevation into account.

Guess he'd seen similar before his battery died.

Looks like it's a road with a fair few towns and houses on it.

I get the feeling instead of walking along the road, he decided to go cross country down to the nearest beach.


Blue = good
Red = bad

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Looks like it's a road with a fair few towns and houses on it.

I get the feeling instead of walking along the road, he decided to go cross country down to the nearest beach.
Well duhh he may have been thirsty and the sea is there for drinking
Part of me wonders if he’s watched the John Darwin documentary a few too many times…

Either way, I hope he’s found in good health/turns up safe.
Yeah that mountainous rugged desert like terrain...

I drove down that exact stretch of road a couple years ago. It is pretty mountainous and I seem to recall us counting the sheer number of bends as it quite fun to drive and nicely done tarmac but walking would have been tiring as a 10 meter distance from point to point would actually be 100 meters due to the way the road meanders its way up and down the hillside.

I can see a sleep deprived, possibly still a bit drunk teenager leaving the road to take a "shortcut" down the hill.
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I drove down that exact stretch of road a couple years ago. It is pretty mountainous and I seem to recall us counting the sheer number of bends as it quite fun to drive and nicely done tarmac but walking would have been tiring as a 10 meter distance from point to point would actually be 100 meters due to the way the road meanders its way up and down the hillside.

I can see a sleep deprived, possibly still a bit drunk teenager leaving the road to take a "shortcut" down the hill.
Drunk? no chance, he would have been off his nut gurning his way back "home" kids don't get drunk anymore when drugs are far cheaper
It is pretty mountainous around there and with no phone battery, no map and no water he's going to be a bit screwed. Could easily be down some valley near the accommodation:


Someone was questioning the distance of the walk, google maps puts it at 10 hours 45 minutes:


Even though trying to walk it was a bad call he'd have probably been fine if he'd just stuck to the road though, the next village along after Masca was just under 6km away. If he'd walked along the road and soon realised he was too dehydrated/hungover to carry on he could have waited for a bus/asked for help, there and indeed after that there are multiple towns going down the mountainous round and along the coastal bit of the long walk back it's mostly built-up areas.

Did you go on your own with two random blokes, in a car, 40 minutes away?

I mean we've all been young and stupid (for example I once woke up with my lower half in a river) but this is so far past stupidity you have to consider other motives.
But the big unanswered question is which river?
I can only assume he was still off his head when he tried this. Any normal sane person would follow roads in a unfamiliar place. Even as a young "adult".
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Did you go on your own with two random blokes, in a car, 40 minutes away?

I mean we've all been young and stupid (for example I once woke up with my lower half in a river) but this is so far past stupidity you have to consider other motives.
Hasn't everyone gone to random after parties with total strangers before? I certainly have, fun times! In fact it's how I met my partner of 12 years now.....

Passing out in a river seems pretty foolish in comparison. Perhaps not as foolish as trying to walk 10 hours through the mountains in Africa (pretty much) starting out dehydrated.
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Hasn't everyone gone to random after parties with total strangers before? I certainly have, fun times! In fact it's how I met my partner of 12 years now.....

Passing out in a river seems pretty foolish in comparison. Perhaps not as foolish as trying to walk 10 hours through the mountains in Africa (pretty much) starting out dehydrated.
This is OCUK.
I imagine a lot of members haven't even been out let alone gone to after parties. :cry:
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