Machete boy? I'm not sure your description is entirely accurate.Any normal sane person
Machete boy? I'm not sure your description is entirely accurate.Any normal sane person
I can't argue with that as you'd have to be off your head to attempt walking it in the first place. Even driving it you'd be taking some water with you.Drunk? no chance, he would have been off his nut gurning his way back "home" kids don't get drunk anymore when drugs are far cheaper
Yep if he'd stuck to the road he would have probably been fine though because it's mainly a single lane road his biggest risk would be being hit by a car seeing he was probably still suffering from the effects of the night before.Even though trying to walk it was a bad call he'd have probably been fine if he'd just stuck to the road though, the next village along after Masca was just under 6km away. If he'd walked along the road and soon realised he was too dehydrated/hungover to carry on he could have waited for a bus/asked for help, there and indeed after that there are multiple towns going down the mountainous round and along the coastal bit of the long walk back it's mostly built-up areas.
The river LevenBut the big unanswered question is which river?
Was it a party though? I don't think anyone else went back. Can three people make a party? I suppose a very specific type of party could have occurred.Hasn't everyone gone to random after parties with total strangers before? I certainly have, fun times! In fact it's how I met my partner of 12 years now.....
Passing out in a river seems pretty foolish in comparison. Perhaps not as foolish as trying to walk 10 hours through the mountains in Africa (pretty much) starting out dehydrated.
Groups of people just hang out talking **** and listening to music sometimes. It's actually a thing. Particularly if you've been partying beforehand.Was it a party though? I don't think anyone else went back. Can three people make a party? I suppose a very specific type of party could have occurred.
Did you go on your own with two random blokes, in a car, 40 minutes away?
I mean we've all been young and stupid (for example I once woke up with my lower half in a river) but this is so far past stupidity you have to consider other motives.
Even a 19 year old can't resist the lure of some sweets and a puppy.And he isn't 12 or something. He's 19! (I think)
This story was much more interesting when people thought he was a drug mule who had been kidnapped by some gangsters who were demanding 30k ransom.
Now it’s calmed down a bit we’re back on the far less interesting “stupid brit gets lost abroad” narrative.
Edit: Also did he actually machete someone himself or was he just part of the group that included the person who did it ?
The producers at Netflix are holding out every hopeIs it wrong for me to think of this as a scam? He has "disappeared" owing money?
Imagine they find him to come back to that absolute pee taking he was given.
At 19 the phrase is 'sweet puppies'.Even a 19 year old can't resist the lure of some sweets and a puppy.
At 19 the phrase is 'sweet puppies'.
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I'm not sure that information is known as the judge sentenced them all as a group rather than assigning individual responsibilities.
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