As we do on most Sat/Sundays we go into the pub to watch United..
An old friend called Stefan turned up and after about 10 mins into the game he said: "Last night i had a backwards ****"
EVERYONE tuned in lmao, the whole room was in there, waiting for an explanation of the 'backwards dump'
He had a few beers the night before and went to the toilet, as you do but decided to try something different hhahahaha and sat the other way round with his arms and head on the thingy ma jig said he almost fell asleep
never been in so many tears tried it earlier, quite the pioneer tbh.
Everyone in the pub donned it 'The Stefan'
World class tbh
An old friend called Stefan turned up and after about 10 mins into the game he said: "Last night i had a backwards ****"
EVERYONE tuned in lmao, the whole room was in there, waiting for an explanation of the 'backwards dump'
He had a few beers the night before and went to the toilet, as you do but decided to try something different hhahahaha and sat the other way round with his arms and head on the thingy ma jig said he almost fell asleep
never been in so many tears tried it earlier, quite the pioneer tbh.
Everyone in the pub donned it 'The Stefan'
World class tbh