"A backwards dump"

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Is that episode where everything is in reverse and cat goes to the toilet:D.


Yes it is! :D
As we do on most Sat/Sundays we go into the pub to watch United..

An old friend called Stefan turned up and after about 10 mins into the game he said: "Last night i had a backwards ****"

EVERYONE tuned in lmao, the whole room was in there, waiting for an explanation of the 'backwards dump' :D

He had a few beers the night before and went to the toilet, as you do but decided to try something different hhahahaha and sat the other way round with his arms and head on the thingy ma jig :p said he almost fell asleep :D

never been in so many tears :D tried it earlier, quite the pioneer tbh.

Everyone in the pub donned it 'The Stefan' :D

World class tbh :cool:

Evolution has stopped in man
That's got to be a set-up. Who in their right mind would use a porta-loo that's just happens to be standing there on it's own?
5* thread tbh....

Whilst the meat will have plenty of dangling space, surely the shallowness of the bowl may cause some head butting turtle head issues. This cannot be a good thing.

^^^ some good technical points though - if you're about to lay a huge cable tis prob better to go regular style lest a premature collision with the bowl causes it to mash.....
This explains sooo much...

when I was at Uni, occassionally there would be doo-doo under the rim of the FRONT of the toilet! Someone must have been doing a "Stefan".
There were lots of foreign students...

One thing of note is that when someone had done a Stefan, and i really needed to use the toilet, not amount of flushing would get rid of the doo-doo stuck under the rim at the front. I don't think there is enough "flushing power" there.

Something to bear in mind should you consider doing a STEFAN!

Oh that youtude toilet-skiing thing had me wetting myself!
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