** A Day at OcUK - Stelly's New System - EPIC CUSTOM BUILD **

I will admit that this was one of the nicest builds I have seen at OcUK.

Also RJK, you won't believe this but Stelly didn't even switch this beast on until about 9pm last night. However he was sat chatting to me for around 2 hours and I finally told him to bugger off and go and setup his new machine. He was "too busy" apparently. I would have been like a child opening 10,000 Xmas pressies.

Maybe he was looking at it in awe
Seems like a fairly similar spec to the PC I just built but with 680s instead of 670s and a better motherboard (stupid Rampage IV Extreme :()

Sounds like you're more pleased with yours than I am with mine. Hope you continue to like it for as long as you want to (mines sort of a stop gap until IB-E (and hopefully new motherboards) and the next lot of Nvidia cards).

Also a little surprised at only having a 4.6GHz OC, thought you might have gotten a nicer chip that that. Mines a pretty poor chip :(
Still, just have to keep telling myself it's a stop gap until IB-E...
This system is similar to mine...it has the same blu ray drive :cool:

I'll be crying in a corner if anyone needs me
I have no real knowledge of what it is but it's attached to that raid card by the cable and they look like standard size batteries not capacitors.

Something to keep settings while the system is powered off?
Im so jelly. Rigs like this make me want to go get a 5 grand loan and go bananas and get a massive box of goodies delivered from OCuk
Seeing that makes me want an uber rig. Im buying a lottery ticket right now, if I win, i'll pop down to OCUK and u can make me something with quad SLI 690's :D wish me luck, lol.
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