A good reason not to holiday in Turkey?

Just a bit more to counter the generally negative view of Turkey in this thread!

Today as I was going through Bafra on the Black Sea coast in Northern Turkey I was stopped at some traffic lights and a guy at a petrol station started shouting "Tea!" at me and waving me in. Came in and had a chat about politics over a couple of cups of tea for an hour and was then given a free three course lunch (delicious food by the way) before being waved on my way.
Just a bit more to counter the generally negative view of Turkey in this thread!

Today as I was going through Bafra on the Black Sea coast in Northern Turkey I was stopped at some traffic lights and a guy at a petrol station started shouting "Tea!" at me and waving me in. Came in and had a chat about politics over a couple of cups of tea for an hour and was then given a free three course lunch (delicious food by the way) before being waved on my way.

Judging by the previous comments here you must be a sexy babe then? Did you feel their eyes molesting you as you ate?
OPs name? :p

Pretty close minded and ignorant tbh, expecting a n employer (the hotel) to go against the religion of what could be the vast majority of their employees to cook you bacon for breakfast :/ they did however when we were on holiday in tunisia have bacon available.... not a clue what it was made of but it certainly wasn't bacon lol

Yer on holiday man, experience the culture and the food!
You can sit at home drink eat and smoke til yer hearts content,why go on holiday?
We went on an all inclusive holiday to tunisia last year.... Last all inclusive I'm going on in all honesty, really don't see the point in paying so much money to sit in a resort drinking and eating for a week. Prefer when I go on holiday to go out exploring and do things at my own pace.
Most certainly deeply shallow and petty. If you're going to another country then you should want to experience their culture and definitely not be expecting them to mould their culture to your desire for bacon.
Most certainly deeply shallow and petty. If you're going to another country then you should want to experience their culture and definitely not be expecting them to mould their culture to your desire for bacon.

Think of him more as a meat based missionary. Spreading the light of cured pork to the darker corners of the world.
Most certainly deeply shallow and petty. If you're going to another country then you should want to experience their culture and definitely not be expecting them to mould their culture to your desire for bacon.

The empire wasnt built on **** like this, we start pandering to pussy foots like you and look what has happend.


Been to Turkey for work and holiday, on both occasion it was a bit of a ****hole and people always look dirty and want to rob you.
Random anecdote unlikely to change anyones opinion, but I had an awesome time in Turkey, great food, great tea, and not even once did anyone try to murder or rob me, which is more than I can say for some places I've been.

That said, I can't get on my high horse about local cuisine, I live over in Taiwan and mostly exist on a diet of pizzas :p
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