A good reason not to holiday in Turkey?

I feel for a the OP to a certain degree, I chuffing hate the Italian style breakfasts of cake and coffee, I just crash after an hour or so. I don't know what it is with my body but if I make a fudge of breakfast I turn into a monster.

Having said that, it wouldn't stop be actually going anywhere, I'd just be looking for somewhere that sells a decent breaky!!
i go to turkey every year. Fantastic place. I went on one of those Gulets for a week last year, awesome break and can recommend it to anyone, anyway one of the other guests had a family bag of crisps and the captain ate all the bacon ones. True story.

But its an awesome country, very slowly turning into Spain Mk2 as a trouist destination though which is a shame.

The only things I have heard about Turkey is the men are like dogs and try and sleep with anything female, and hound western women and are generally pretty scum of the Earth

So no different to any town on a Saturday night here then. We have far worse chavscum than they do.
I remember going to Turkey, it was crap, the food wasn't even remotely local.

It was some ******* offspring of, I don't even know what. Genuinely, I kid you not, breakfast had cold brussel sprouts and just a load of horrible frozen crap. The only reasonable option was cornflakes and fruit. I mean it wasn't 5 star or nothing, but I've never seen such garbage served up masquerading as a continental/ cooked breakfast.

I was glad I was only in the hotel for breakfast - mind you, restaurants weren't much cop either. I had to travel way way out of the resort for good food and it was a bloody nightmare because I was driving and I wanted to have a drink with me dinner.

Maybe it was where I was as well but there was just loads of nobhead Brits who it seems were there to get drunk and do nothing for a week, there was some obscure pubs.

Then again I know people who have gone and really enjoyed it, it's all luck of the draw I guess.
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Pretty much my opinion of Turkey too - been once, never again!

The hotel was so incompetent they couldn't actually serve food hot, (every breakfast meat was between lukewarm and cold) - when asked for a simple 'cheese and tomato pizza' from the hotel manager (the guy making the pizzas just piled the same load of stuff on every pizza) he managed to bring out several tomatos chopped in half, with cheese on them. :confused:

And as for the locals, they're the most annoying, irritating, punch-worthy people I've ever had the misfortune to meet!

Heaven forbid you show a passing interest in ANYTHING they have for sale, I had to physically take more than 1 hand off myself to remove myself from shopkeepers vicinity, never mind wearing an all inclusive armband yet being pestered EVERY walk to the beach, or walk around town by every single restaurant staff member, sometimes twice per restaurant.

Never again.

Also been once never again, It is a beautiful country mind shame about the annoying lecherous Turks!
Stayed at the Gloria Serenity and Delphin Imperial in Antayla and Belek last year. Both amazing hotels and can't go wrong. :)

I've been to the Delphin Imperial twice now and it is absolutely amazing.
Will be going back this year aswell but the price just goes up every year, looking at nearly 7 grand for 2 adults, 2 kids this year.
Could you not do a Josef Fritzl and raise a pig in your basement, then use it for your own perverse bacon needs?

Ie. Kill it and turn it into bacon.

Homer: Are you saying you're never going to eat any animal again? What about bacon?
Lisa: No.
Homer: Ham?
Lisa: No.
Homer: Pork chops?
Lisa: Dad, those all come from the same animal.
Homer: Heh heh heh. Ooh, yeah, right, Lisa. A wonderful, magical animal.
The missus, the little one and I visited Turkey some years back and had a wonderful time. We also went all inclusive. The food was varied and the had food from the worlds (meal based on different countries) in the restaurant. The people were friendly but yes the male staff stared at anything a skirt lol

We had no problem with the no pork issue. We used to play a funny game of spot the English tourists... queues for the chips/potatoes = english lol. How can you travel to another country and just eat nothing but chips/potatoes??
I've been to the Delphin Imperial twice now and it is absolutely amazing.
Will be going back this year aswell but the price just goes up every year, looking at nearly 7 grand for 2 adults, 2 kids this year.

IIRC that's the one right at the end of the strip pretty much? It does look lovely from the outside but like you said it's not cheap, we've stayed at the Sherwood Breeze resort a couple of times and while it doesn't look quite as grand it's still a nice place.
But as I've said earlier in the thread and others have experienced the locals around the resorts are not overly pleasant if you've got women in your party.
I've been to oludeniz twice which was excellent.
Last year we went to the voyage in Belek, one of those all inclusive ones. Must admit I was very unconvinced I'd enjoy it, but it was fantastic and we are going back this easter.

Thinking about it, there was no pork, but the food and variety was pretty jaw dropping tbh.
I'm sorry, but a holiday is not a holiday without a full english for breakfast

If you can find a pub playing only fools and horses, then having chicken and chips for dinner is just the icing on the cake
I must confess to hunting down a good full english when when holidaying. Luch/Dinner, I will eat all the local food going but something about holiday and a full english brekkie that grips me.
urgh :( seriously what is wrong with some people. You visit a foreign country and you expect British food, drink and speak English. One of many reasons so many countries really dislike Brit's.

I remember being in Riga (I visit there quite often) and I was in a bar that I normally go to. I get on really well with the barmaids ;) and its interesting hearing their view on Brits which was well quite negative. I was told I was an exception of course :p But anyways a couple of Mancunians come into the bar and sit beside me. They heard me chatting to the barmaid and decided to just yell "OH THANK **** AN ENGLISH PERSON" they then continued to just talk to me about how much they hate Latvia and that it is nothing like the UK. After a while I told them that I don't actually live in the UK anymore but in Belgium. They then went on a rant saying how stupid I am and that nowhere is better than the UK. I felt so embarrassed and for them too. After about maybe 20mins of them nonstop bad mouthing Riga, I asked them very kindly to please either stop talking to me or find another bar to go. Naturally they yelled at me and gave abuse then two very big Latvian guys came over and told them to get out. I felt a bit bad about it and I even got asked by the guys and the barmaid why I told my fellow Brits (Mancunians) to go away. I said its people like them that give Brits a bad name and frankly its embarrassing, if they don't like it they can always go back home early. I then got given free drinks for the rest of the evening :D

Then again I find it much more fun to learn about different cultures and immerse myself it in. Sure sometimes things are going to seem odd to you but it’s the normal for them why should you assert your "ideologies" onto them and expect them to accept it.
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Turkey has awesome breakfast and you want some crape fully English which will only be a half English.
Agreed what is wring with people.
Still each to their own.
urgh :( seriously what is wrong with some people. You visit a foreign country and you expect British food, drink and speak English. One of many reasons so many countries really dislike Brit's.

I remember being in Riga (I visit there quite often) and I was in a bar that I normally go to. I get on really well with the barmaids ;) and its interesting hearing their view on Brits which was well quite negative. I was told I was an exception of course :p But anyways a couple of Mancunians come into the bar and sit beside me. They heard me chatting to the barmaid and decided to just yell "OH THANK **** AN ENGLISH PERSON" they then continued to just talk to me about how much they hate Latvia and that it is nothing like the UK. After a while I told them that I don't actually live in the UK anymore but in Belgium. They then went on a rant saying how stupid I am and that nowhere is better than the UK. I felt so embarrassed and for them too. After about maybe 20mins of them nonstop bad mouthing Riga, I asked them very kindly to please either stop talking to me or find another bar to go. Naturally they yelled at me and gave abuse then two very big Latvian guys came over and told them to get out. I felt a bit bad about it and I even got asked by the guys and the barmaid why I told my fellow Brits (Mancunians) to go away. I said its people like them that give Brits a bad name and frankly its embarrassing, if they don't like it they can always go back home early. I then got given free drinks for the rest of the evening :D

Then again I find it much more fun to learn about different cultures and immerse myself it in. Sure sometimes things are going to seem odd to you but it’s the normal for them why should you assert your "ideologies" onto them and expect them to accept it.

Reminds me of when I was sitting in a bar in a hotel in Poland. I noticed a couple of people next to me speaking in English and I asked why they had come, to which the reply was, "DON'T TALK TO ME ABOUT POLAND, I JUST WANNA BE BACK IN BIRMINGHAM!!"
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