A question of ethics... and baldness

naffa said:



phykell said:
And members of a functional society. Perhaps you might like to join us some day?

I'm a fully functioning member of society...I just believe strongly in personal gain.

Thank you for your concern though...I can now sleep soundly at night knowing just how much you care...

Give it to me, a fellow baldie:p. But seriously stick it on Ebay and keep the cash. You paid for the item so only fair that you should keep the cash..cant see what it has to do with ethics and morality etc etc.

Mind you CBS id be hard pressed to spend that much money on something like that...saying that though ive spent near enough that amount of cash on things that ive used once and havent used since...so im hardly in the position to be handing out advice :/
phykell said:
Not without morals you're not. Without morals, you're just an animal.

Check you out with your little horsey....

Care to have any evidence for your trite little statement?

...thought not.

penski said:
Check you out with your little horsey....

Care to have any evidence for your trite little statement?

...thought not.

With regards to you in particular? Of course not. As for being trite, aren't you the master of the flippant remark?

As for the general case:

The term “morality” can be used either

1. descriptively to refer to a code of conduct put forward by a society or,
1. some other group, such as a religion, or
2. accepted by an individual for her own behavior or
2. normatively to refer to a code of conduct that, given specified conditions, would be put forward by all rational persons.

I think it's fair to say that morality tends to separate humans from animals, though of course there are the Macaques which have been shown to demonstrate morality.
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phykell said:
With regards to you in particular? Of course not. As for being trite, aren't you the master of the flippant remark?
The correct term is 'sensei'.

I worked hard for it...

As for the general case:

The term “morality” can be used either

1. descriptively to refer to a code of conduct put forward by a society or,
1. some other group, such as a religion, or
2. accepted by an individual for her own behavior or
2. normatively to refer to a code of conduct that, given specified conditions, would be put forward by all rational persons.

I think it's fair to say that morality tends to separate humans from animals, though of course there are the Macaques which have been shown to demonstrate morality.

We're all part of the same supermassive, superdistributed being anyway...so distinctions are irrelevant ;)

penski said:
The correct term is 'sensei'. I worked hard for it... We're all part of the same supermassive, superdistributed being anyway...so distinctions are irrelevant ;)
Go to the bathroom, and splash some cold water on your face.
phykell said:
Go to the bathroom, and splash some cold water on your face.


I washed this morning (technically afternoon...I lounged around in my dressing gown, scratching my balls all morning), you cheeky scamp.

cleanbluesky said:
Phykell and Penski, please resist locking verbal horns. Neither of you are looking any better than the other.
I dunno, that penski fella is looking more attractive each day. If he's not careful I'll be throwing my knickers at him.

How about that offer I made?
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