A Scania HGV "review" - 10 years after the last one!

We have so many rules that we only bother taking notice of the ones that cost us if we flout them !

I can't remember if I've posted this before but we used to have a dedicated HGV drivers Licence.
You can see when I passed my Class One HGV.. Oh.. So it was 1986 not 85.. Hey Ho.


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You should try driving for Co-op, most of ours are 62 or 11 plate! I think it's probably the only substantial fleet left where automatics are in the minority.

I "Did" Agency at the Co-Op about 16 years ago. Yeah they were underpowered Dogs back then!

Took one of our "Dogs" out to Redditch tonight. It's probably the first time this has been out of the yard since friday so it looks like I'm sailing a Destroyer laying down a smoke screen (64 plate 430 Merc).

It quickly warms up though !

Keep spotting your guys up at a client I'm providing temporary on-site IT Support for - trucks always look well looked after and clean :)
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A fair few times, a regular “back load” for us.

Small world eh?

Small world indeed! Might see you there sometime. I'm in and out of there quite often, tomorrows my last day until the 18th March but will be back for two weeks then.

Will keep an eye out, I've been plonked in the weighbridge the past couple days.
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