A strongmans log - British champion u105KG

Dear Ben,

I am writing to you to complain about your recent performance in competitions. I have tried my best to be supportive, and in doing so I appear to have run out of superlatives. This is not a feeling that I am used to or appreciate.

Forever jealous,

Congrats on another awesome result. Love reading your write ups.

What's coming up next for you?

Cheers buddy, glad to see people not only read them, but enjoy it as well!

I will be taking a few months out from competing (I've done more than my fair share in the last 6 months). Spending some time in the gym, getting bigger and stronger in preperation for next season in the open weight class.
Dear Ben,

I am writing to you to complain about your recent performance in competitions. I have tried my best to be supportive, and in doing so I appear to have run out of superlatives. This is not a feeling that I am used to or appreciate.

Forever jealous,


Dear Scott,

Please accept my sincere apologies. However, I am pleased to announce that you now have 6 months to prepare a list of new superlatives ready for next season!

Any areas you would like to specifically improve Ben?

The three areas I will be working on over the winter are:

Grip strength - My grip was much better on hercules hold last weekend, but let me down on the deadlift so it clearly needs more work
Deadlift - I'd like to pull 400KG in the next 2 years, I'm capable of 365-370 atm, so have some work to do here!
Shoulder strength - Has always been a massive weakness, its not too much of a problem in strongman but makes life difficult on block and viking press.
I didn't record my training last week, so I'll just post a few 'highlights' although that term is slightly misleading because I've been very stiff and sore all week!

The following is taken from several different sessions:

Paused squats (2-3 seconds)

150KG - 10,10,10

Strict press

70KG - 70KG - 10,10,10

Deficit deads

200KG - 10,10 (this induced a massive headache so skipped set 3)

Push press

100KG - 10,10,10


160KG - 5,5,5,5
180KG - 5

+loads of body building esq exercises!
*power snatch.

You've said you're not flexible enough to catch ass on ankles, but isn't it worth getting flexible enough?

I did consider that possibility, I spent 2-3 months working on technique and flexibility about 2 years ago.

However it didn't really get me anywhere and I soon got bored! It's still on my list of things to do!
I'm currently not close to being able to OH squat ATG, mostly due to an old ankle sprain.

However, I've found paused squats to be great for training these positions and being able to force tissues into positions they don't really want to be in. I see that you're doing them anyway, so it might be a good way to sneak in some mobility work. You might need a very slightly wider stance than you usually use, just so you can sit between your ankles and load up the restricted tissues. It's worked well for me and people I coach.

Paused squat variations are basically a way of stretching without being bored out of your skull :D
To be fair, snatch catching practise is dull and frustrating... The weights are low, activation is poor and the catch:drop ratio is so low it can lead to despondency. :o

Guess what I was doing last week? :(
I know those feels, which is why I haven't bothered too much. After nationals I will pursue it more thoroughly, right now I'm happy to be squatting without my arse falling out. Who's log is this? Oh yeah...

Getting access to more range there mean access to more range in other squatting variants. More trainable range = more gains. I don't want to seem like I'm patronising Ben at all as I'm sure he knows this, but I've worked with a lot of squatters and these patterns are fairly consistent..
More than happy for people to express their opinion or offer advice (especially you Scott, what what I've read on here you have much better technical knowledge than I ever will).
Much like you, its an old ankle injury that gives me the most problems with a full snatch, I can catch a full clean without too many problems.

Some more training:

Back squat (high bar, belt)

70KG – 10
120KG – 5
170KG – 5
210KG – 10,10,10

What was I thinking?! This was horrendous, the last set took about 5 minutes and pretty much ruined the rest of my session, lol!

Strict log

70KG – 10
75KG – 10,10

Power cleans

120KG – 5
140KG – 5,5,5,5

Well done but unlucky at Uks fella. One of our guys was out for juniors and he said the comp was yours if it wasn't for the log drop. Shame as that would have been an awesome title to win this year.
Next year, I think we all expect you to pretty much dominate the UK open category, so no pressure :P
Cheers Mark, I do feel that my mistake on the log cost me, but nevermind, I'm already feeling strong for next year!!

Yesterday's efforts:

Deadlift (belt, no straps)

70KG - 10
120KG - 5
170KG - 5
220KG - 3
270KG - 1
300KG - 5,5,5 (add straps for last 2 sets)

Paused back squat (high bar, belt)

120KG - 5
160KG - 5
190KG - 5,5,5

Bench press

60KG - 10
110KG - 5
142.5KG - 5,5,5

Hang snatch

70KG - 5
100KG - 5,5,5
A few bits from the last weeks training. Just focusing on conditioning and hypertrophy at the moment. Currently weighing around 118KG first thing in the more and 120KG+ after a big dinner!

Front Squat

70KG – 5
120KG – 5
160KG – 5
190KG – 1
200KG – 3
140KG – 10,10 – Horrible

Hurdle bounds (4 hurdles = 1 rep)

5 sets of 5 reps


6x 50m

Back Squat

up to
220KG – 5,5,5,5
220KG – 5 quick singles

Strict press

up to90KG – 5,5,5,5

Full cleans

up to
140KG – 3,3,3

Lots of kettlebell, core and body building.
Kettlebell – 20KG (various exercises)

15 minutes

Box jumps


Plate pinches (6 sets)

Wrist roller (3 sets)


8 minutes with some DU’s

Core circuit (x2):

Plank – 60 secs
Leg raises – 20
Sit ups 10

Paused front squats (beltless)

up to 150KG – 3,3,3

Power cleans

up to 150KG – 5,5,10 (rep P.B)

CGBP (paused)

up to 110KG – 6,6,6,6
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