A Thread For All The Flight Simmers Out There


Is that the deathstar from return of the jedi as the moon?
Yup :), well spotted, it is a user made texture replacement for the default moon textures. At first thought it was gonna be corny, but it looks rather cool.
Your FSX looks so good :)

I will re-install mine fresh and go through the threads you posted to optimise it. I remember once trying tileproxy with the cache on a RamDisk (I got 12GB ram :) ) and it was cool. Google forced the developer to stop leeching though :(

With the addons you use it looks excellent and is offline for smooth gameplay!
Your FSX looks so good :)

I will re-install mine fresh and go through the threads you posted to optimise it. I remember once trying tileproxy with the cache on a RamDisk (I got 12GB ram :) ) and it was cool. Google forced the developer to stop leeching though :(

With the addons you use it looks excellent and is offline for smooth gameplay!

Thanks and good luck in getting FSX to optimise for your system, hope you get good results.

what add ons do you have there i have FSX I like it but my pics never come out like that with the acc add on :(

Well there is several, main onces would be REX, FSWC, HDR Mod, FPS Mod Limiter, and whatever aircraft and scenery addons you personally want. If you check the information on several of the posts I made in this thread and also in the High Res Screenshot thread, you will find plenty of info & links on how to improve FSX. Hope that helps, good luck.
Anyone have any idea how i can reduce all this shimmering? I have tried just about everything i can find on google to no avail.

Obviously hard to show in a screenshot, but on the roof of all the hangers, all the trees around, they all shimmer really badly. Is particularly bad with the default white fences in fsx, also on the water, lines down the aircraft, taxi lines...pretty much everywhere :( really ruining the game for me I cant enjoy flying when I have to look at all that, if i cant sort it its going to have to be uninstalled! I have ATI 4850 by the way.

Pic 'n' Mix your settings, If your really getting fustrated, then you could try editing the FSX.cfg file. You will have to google that though, as there are many tweaks and tips.
Bumping slightly old thread but if some people could help me.

I'm having problems running Real Environment Xtreme, I put it on a clean install with SP1 then Accel pack. Game became corrupt and unplayable.

I tried with SP1 then SP2, no Accel, same thing.

Trying with just SP1 now to see, what version of FSX do you guys run all your mods on?
FSX Accel.

If you are having bad problems with REX then it is best to post on the REX forums, the mods there are very helpful and there is already a vast FAQ/posts on problems which probably will include your described problem.

As for the shimmering, I think I know what you mean, I am pretty sure you need to either a) tweak FSX settings, try different resolutions, switch on/off AA/filtering etc b) check your Control Panel in ATI, play with settings there, I tend to keep most 3d settings to ingame control.

Good luck.
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It's not just REX unfortunately, just did a fresh clean install again and tried to start with Sound Environment. Unless I get it working I hope they will refund me as it's pretty useless right now. :(

Hey, you're in jersey too ! :)
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Aye, in sunny Jersey too :)

I might be able to help out, either describe the problems you are getting a more detail or, if you want, pass your email and will contact you and see if I can help from there.

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