A thread with photos and things.

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Inspirational for me, as a beginner photographer. The message I get from this is never giving up and taking your camera everywhere. I'm just finding it hard to get into a routine with work, especially on my days off it's so tempting to stick my feet up for the day. I should just go taking photos straight after work.
Know that feeling I used to take my camera to work but given the weather we get half the year it really isn't something I tended to do for long :p

Once Spring rolls around I'll be back out there during the early hours before Sunrise getting the still waters of the coast - That part of photography never got boring as the colours were always shaded differently and the atmosphere so mellow.
Yeah my camera is always in the bag I take to work with two lenses. It sits in there for the majority of the time lately but still worth it in case an opportunity presents itself :)

The light will be around for long enough soon for some after work fun too but ultimately you can't use your camera if you don't have it hehe.
Some of my shifts already finish at 1630 so I can pop out quickly after those if the weather is nice along the seafront :D I even got a quick few shots off just after I finished work at 1800 this week as there was enough orange left in the sky to make it worthwhile!

Stupid winter is almost finally over! yay :D lol
Thanks Tysonator :)

I look back at some of my shots of recent years and think "How did I manage that? can I do better? Will the opportunity ever come again?" - I don't know, I guess this is what makes our interest so much fun, the end result can end up being something totally different sometimes!

I've gone out to shoot a session numerous times only to come back with stuff I don't really feel is worthy of being uploaded but then I end up using it as a learning tool of sorts to better it next time :cool:
A few new from this week.

Number 2 is a new try, softer than my usual. I think it works for that shot specifically but it's not something I use often, only when a frame works well enough with it!
Thanks Tysonator :)

I look back at some of my shots of recent years and think "How did I manage that? can I do better? Will the opportunity ever come again?" - I don't know, I guess this is what makes our interest so much fun, the end result can end up being something totally different sometimes!

I've gone out to shoot a session numerous times only to come back with stuff I don't really feel is worthy of being uploaded but then I end up using it as a learning tool of sorts to better it next time :cool:

Photography has so many different takes on the same genre depending upon what look you require from the subject matter.
The way I see it every day is a school day !
Same with me too and some other photo mates too based on somewhat recent discussions!

But I kept them because they still work as photographs and are of /a moment/ of that day, even if they’re not the sharpest/technical of shots :p
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