A warning from downunder

-Mic- said:
Is that aussie speak?
Yeah people from england do get called pomes down here. Its used a lot, either that or Britts.

Pome= Prisoner of mother england :)
Zip said:
Yeah people from england do get called pomes down here. Its used a lot, either that or Britts.

Pome= Prisoner of mother england :)
Funny, i thought most aussies would be Pomes if thats what it stands for.

-Mic- said:
Funny, i thought most aussies would be Pomes if thats what it stands for.


You need to think about it to under stand it.

Its Pome because they are the prisoners of mother england stuck on a cold damp island.
While we were set free on an island with a warm climate and beaches and we got to create a new law system.

Do you understand why they are called pomes now :)
Zip said:
You need to think about it to under stand it.

Its Pome because they are the prisoners of mother england stuck on a cold damp island.
While we were set free on an island with a warm climate and beaches.
Ah i see what ya mean. How many people down there would have Irish ancestory?

A British person. Also pommy. First recorded in 1912, the term was originally applied to an immigrant from Britain, and was formed by rhyming slang. A British immigrant was called a pommygrant, from the red fruit pomegranate, perhaps referring to the complexion of the new arrivals, which was then abbreviated to pommy and pom. Although some argue otherwise, it is not an acronym of prisoner of mother England.
Tru said:
I don't think Australia is one of those countries that needs advertised, everyone see's it as a sunkissed paradise with beaches, babes, bbq's and utes. BONZA!
Agreed. And what's more it really is all of the above, at least on the south and west coasts. The rest of the place is just one large expanse of not much (also known as the Outback). :D

Zip said:
Yeah people from england do get called pomes down here. Its used a lot, either that or Britts.

Pome= Prisoner of mother england :)
Good lord, you call yourself Australian. I suspect you're Al Gore in disguise. :p

There is no 'e' in Pom. :)
Zip said:
Do you understand why they are called pomes now :)


-Mic- said:
Ah i see what ya mean. How many people down there would have Irish ancestory?

Quite a lot. I think ive even got some irish in me :)
South Australia, Western Australia and The northern territory arnt convict states or territorys, those ones were settles by scottish and irish settlers and imigrints along with some nobal english famillys.
Berserker said:
Good lord, you call yourself Australian. I suspect you're Al Gore in disguise. :p

There is no 'e' in Pom. :)

There must be two ways of spelling pome/pom.
I got taught the spelling and meaning i posted in this thread :)
Zip said:
Its Pome because they are the prisoners of mother england stuck on a cold damp island.
While we were set free on an island with a warm climate and beaches and we got to create a new law system.

If that's the case - why are so many of you mofo's over here stealing our bar jobs and call centre jobs?

?, you all say that. "Where the bladdy hell aaaare ya?. Throw anaaather beeer on the baaarbie here maaaayte".

Hehe, maybe you dont :P.
merlin said:
If that's the case - why are so many of you mofo's over here stealing our bar jobs and call centre jobs?


Because we like to see where we came from, you are our mother :D
Pluss the English and irish accent is very addictive :p
LoadsaMoney said:
Why do you answer your own questions to like :-

Whats ya favourite colour Blue

Whats ya job Digger

Whats ya name Sheila.



Thats a myth aswell, ive never seen it done personally.

Sheila is only usally said by country people.

And another thing, we dont go riding around on kangaroos :(
The term that really got me when I moved to Australia was 'bash'. If someone is assaulted, seriously assaulted or almost murdered, on the news and in the newspapers they have been 'bashed'. Whenever I hear it I can't help but think of Dennis the Menace or somthing like that.
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