A Window To Wales

Maybe if you filled it with single, 5mm RGB LEDs with four pins and three resistors per LED to solder. That sounds like a GENIUS idea. No sanity loss to be had there! :rolleyes: :D

And, of course, you wouldn't know anything about that, would you. Nope, not at all... :p
Was scanning through that build log earlier, definitely looks like the bloke to ask if I'm stuck!

Dear Parvum, I know you've already cut 95% of the case but.... Haha sure that would go down well :p
Not too worried about messing up that cut though as it will be hidden any way, so will definitely be revving up the ol' Dremel on that one! The other thing I looked at was using a load of singles LEDs, but I certainly wasn't planning on spending weeks wiring up RGB ones... Unless of course you're volunteering?! :D

At the moment I think a Farbwerk + a strip of LEDs might be winning, purely for the control it would give over the colour (want it to be ice white) and brightness. Will test it out on a small off-cut though before hacking the case about :)
No, nothing at all. I certainly haven't done anything so daft as to solder up one of a pair of R+GB LEDs up backwards as BG+R....that would be stupid...and give some really odd results!
If you're going for strips, I'd recommend the IP65 version. Not because I'm expecting your loop to leak but because the non-waterproof versions have the contacts exposed every three LEDs and it's really easy to short those out if you're trying out positioning in the case whilst they're on....*cough* :rolleyes:
Got the normal ones in the current case and can't say as I'd noticed that, but then again there weren't sparks coming off mine :D

Still, probably the better option anyway just in case there is a spillage :)
Just playing around with another new idea... <RolfHarrisVoice>Can ya tell what it is yet?</RolfHarrisVoice>


Well clearly it's a Welsh dragon....but I'm figuring you're not asking such a simple question...what with the prize an' everything....there is a prize, right?! ;)
I was gonna say gpu backplate but your original design is better (at least in so much as I prefer it :D) and also shaped properly for the backplate.
I was gonna say fan grill next but you'd have shown the rest of it if it were.
Is it a vinyl overlay/wrap for the base plate or PSU shroud (whatever is in your case)?
Still massively out of proportion (banged up in couple of seconds on GIMP just to get a general idea...) but this is a bit more like the proper dimensions...

You're right on the GPU though, definitely sticking with the original plan on that one :)


And should have said in advance, first prize is the chance to solder me up a nice daisy chain of RGB LEDs :D
Ooh, ooh, can I?! ;) It's more the heatshrink and sleeving that makes it awkward. You have to really think it through in advance...clearly not my forte!

It's nice... but I'm still not sure where it goes. Top panel?
Indeed, you can make as many as you want, will put the parts in the post tomorrow :D

When I said in a previous post I wanted the front part of the case to remain dark but the components to be lit up, I was really struggling to find a way of splitting it without it looking awful... This is the current plan! Thinking the point of the hexagon should be level(ish) with MoBo / end of the GPU, with the dragon painted on using red glass staining paint like the green used on the fans... Either genius or awful, not fully decided yet :D
So your motherboard goes over the white part of the pic. Yeah, I reckon that could look pretty good.

Parts, I have....it's the sanity to put them together that's lacking. Seriously, if you want common anode RGB LEDs let me know and I can post you some. I got a bag of a hundred from China as I couldn't get them for love nor money in the UK. Common anode are the same as in RGB strips rather than the more common, common cathode such as used in the Aquaero's single RGB LED header.
Sorry, never explained that at all well! It's for the light box floor, so only the rear 2/3rds, hexagon and dragon light up, keeping front section blacked out. Still playing around with ideas for behind the MoBo, but current thinking is green LEDs below the GPU and white above, both fairly dim to just give a slight glow... :)

You're determined to put me in a white room hugging myself aren't you lol sleeving PSU cables would be enough to test my patience to breaking point, so that would be at least 10 steps too far :D
A white room? No, I think for this, a green room is required. A green room with a white ceiling....and a red chair!

Incidentally, I meant sleeving the LED cables...I wasn't going to break the news that you'd be required to sleeve the ATX cable until later :p
Oh ffs, stop giving me ideas or the missus is going to murder me!! :D

Yeah I can see why that would be an absolute nightmare, tons of heatshrink to do and resistors all over the shop, making things 10 times more awkward than they already were... Thanks for the kind offer but think I'll give it a miss for now, value what's left of my sanity far too much :p

Planning on buying some cables ready made to save on a bit of hassle, any recommendations? Found loads of different places using numerous different types of sleeving, but being a complete noob on these things I've got no idea which looks best or who makes decent quality cables. Still, guess anything will be a step up from the extensions I used last time :D
There are ready-made sets for some PSUs available from OCUK. If you want custom-made, Pexon PCs seem to be the popular choice. They've got a project page you might want to look at.
I'd say your main choice - given that colours are pretty much nailed down - is whether you want Teleios or Paracord. Teleios is a plastic weave that's tough, durable, has a certain amount of stiffness (gives a curve rather than being limp) and is easier work with because it will expand more. Paracord is a tight, nylon weave but it gives a more cloth-like appearance which I prefer. You can't see through it at all, its much cheaper but it doesn't have any stiffness, is harder to work with because it doesn't expand as much and it can snag so it's not as durable. Basically it comes down to whether you hate the plastic weave look...which you probably won't notice from more than a foot away.
Glad you mentioned Pexon as that's one of the sites I'd bookmarked along with Shakmods. By the sound of that then I'll definitely be going for the Paracord over the Teleios, not too keen on the plastic look so that's one decision made!

The problem with my colour choices is it has made it impossible to buy a complete set from somewhere like OcUK as I need the GPU cables to be completely different colours to the 24pin... Guess I'll be handing my wallet over to Pexon then :D
If you look at the later pages of my project you can see some cack-handed examples of paracord sleeving. Pexon will do it better as it's not their first time and they won't be trying to chest by only sleeving the exposed part of the cable :D Should give you an idea of what the texture is like though if you click for a full size pic.
Yep, definitely liking the look of that! Now that decision has been made I best start looking for the next problem... :D
Well, you've already decided to go hardline so there's plenty of opportunity for sanity-loss there! The obvious one will be when you discover you can't bend for toffee - make sure you over-order tubing to cover the learning curve and the 'stuff happens' monents!
Other than that, I'm sure enough problems will find themselves to keep you amused ;)
****mods does not braid with paracord as I found out. So you don't have much choice really.

Note though that you need to be gentle with paracord as it tends to catch and pull/go fluffy if you're not.
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