There are ready-made sets for some PSUs available from OCUK. If you want custom-made, Pexon PCs seem to be the popular choice. They've got a project page you might want to look at.
I'd say your main choice - given that colours are pretty much nailed down - is whether you want Teleios or Paracord. Teleios is a plastic weave that's tough, durable, has a certain amount of stiffness (gives a curve rather than being limp) and is easier work with because it will expand more. Paracord is a tight, nylon weave but it gives a more cloth-like appearance which I prefer. You can't see through it at all, its much cheaper but it doesn't have any stiffness, is harder to work with because it doesn't expand as much and it can snag so it's not as durable. Basically it comes down to whether you hate the plastic weave look...which you probably won't notice from more than a foot away.