A good business would be working the machines out of hours themselves.
Running your own business is hard work and you have to work at least twelve to fifteen hours a day. The first five years are key, you either make it or you don't. But you certainly don't make it by laying back and taking your time.
I'm not demonising JR. He does not work for Parvum and has nothing more to do with them apart from the fact he uses their machines. JR = Joe, Imersa = Justin IIRC who is the owner.
Seriously G I ain't being funny but if I threw hundreds of pounds at a business and they took two months to do what JR can do in about five minutes* I would be annoyed. As I said, business, personal life doesn't come into it, not interested, don't care etc.
*obviously not literally five minutes.
Agree with this completely, if you don't get the business flying in the first 4 - 5 years then you're going to be in trouble, and annoying customers by ignoring emails (or only checking them once a week...) and seemingly having long delays on every build probably isn't the best way to gain the reputation needed to survive.
It's all well and good JR building truly epic machines every month and gaining the company a shedload of publicity at the same time, but if they don't then step up and offer the paying customers a decent level of service it's not really going to work out, regardless of how brilliant the cases are.
Yes, it's difficult running your own business but you can't fix everything by working ludicrous hours. In bursts, yes...but long term it has to be sustainable and 15 hour days are not. There are also delays between when you need to expand and when you can afford to expand. Also the paradox of when you're busy, you're too busy to train the new staff that will reduce your load. Good communication is key....but that's already been said.
Reckon all they need to fix 90% of the problems is someone to do phone / email / post etc. Don't need any more highly skilled staff doing renders or operating the machinery, just employ someone who can spend the day communicating with the customers and doing the boring day to day stuff so the guys can get on with making cases.
Well let's hope you get some concrete answers soon to get this back on track, my case is being picked up tomorrow and I honestly just don't want it back after months of pain... that said I would take an exchange at this point if it gets me a working rig. If you want cheering up check my log tomorrow, gonna post some pics of my temp case which is frankly a bit redneck haha.
I do understand the Parvum guys a bit more, hex just starting another business venture and little product flow I cannot see how it's sustainable. It's like, shipment from China, sell all on preorder, none left, wait two months and repeat. Fingers crossed for the Wales rig mate... keep us posted!
Hopefully hear something soon but not holding my breath... Still not shipped!
At least you finally have some movement to look forward to after months of hassle, can completely understand why you wouldn't want it returned though, especially if it is going to take months every time there's a slight* issue.
*Or a massive one when the GPU doesn't fit!
That does seem like it is destined for failure before it has even begun, and with the quality control issues Hex Gear obviously have I wouldn't be at all surprised if they disappeared before the end of 2017... Best get the case sorted soon if you're going to stick with em mate!
Just checked out your build log, glad to see you're getting it up and running even if it is going to be a bit redneck until the issues are sorted with Hex Gear. Especially liking the pumps mounted on the outside, it's like you saw Cenedd's build and thought an external rad was just a bit too common now
Maybe they're delivering it personally for you

Could be shipped on a new label though.
Hope it shows up soon for you.
Any more delays and I'll be wanting it delivered by the queen, with her gently lowered through the bedroom window, case in her arms, from a bloody Chinook mate
Totally get your frustration mate, I think the worst bit is that you were so patient and finally it's going to ship... except it doesn't! Frankly bad timing of them to have some PR build from JR when they can't get an order out which was done in August.
I haven't had a response from a few of my sales enquiries either, be nice if one of them posted something by way of an update on realistic ETAs. Time to learn CAD and release an open source template?
Yeah the whole JR build does rub it in a bit. Not got anything against him at all mind and his builds really are drool worthy, just annoying following those builds when mine is constantly delayed with no delivery in sight.
At least if you can't buy one you can't be disappointed when it never arrives... Silver lining and all that
Now that's not a bad idea, if only I had the slightest clue with CAD would give it a go, but GIMP is about my limit when it comes to design work lol