was in a dazed state and it was an actual toilet not a urinal
but it was cleen water as it was befeor i went and did my stuff, it seemed to jump out my pocket
its now ballenced on the back of my gpu as its the only warm place in my house
Something that's been soaked in water is now sitting on the PCB of your graphics card?
I wish I could be as smart as you
Do you think you'll ever complete a build?
WHy not just sell all your crap, then get a good rig?
if i were you i would buy this http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=MB-364-GI&groupid=701&catid=5&subcat=1990
seeing as you bought a non overclockable chip though there is no point in even wasting more money on a z68 platform. did you know you can't overclock that chip and it is also an s chip?
You need to change your sig
Return the crap chip, wait and get a 2500k.
Just build slowly if you cant afford it otherwise your just gonna end up with another crap rig.
Once again you ignore advice and waste money on a chip you think you can overclock.
then why are you creating an "enthusiast" build at all? you could get an old core2duo, 4gb of ram + basic gpu machine all fine and itd take care of web browsing, documents and the occasional game.
The point is that the very platform that takes sandybridge costs a lot of money, so you may as well shell out the extra notes and get a processor worth its salt.
Sorry if it sounds harsh, but it's meant as genuine advice. i always used to compromise and get the worse option becuase i "wanted it now" and i always regretted it and ended up selling/changing later on. Ignore people saying hurry up, just take your time, and do it right.
Its your build after all.
Post pictures - make crap thread crapper please
Why don't you cancel the order? Just send them a webnote?
Is it just completely impossible for you to have a normal build, without issue?