A380 Mod

Ok, got my old pc into the new case, only got 1 fan in atm :P Got another one coming 2moro, and once the front panel is done i'll have the two at the front.

I put some LEDs in the hdd cage, its all green atm, you can't see it very well, too bright :P
Still got UV stuff to put in, but i really want to finish the front panel first.


Didnt realise how bad that picture was, heres two more:



I'm going to get some shorter sata cables, and maybe uv green, the green looks so good against all the black, Green uv paint coming tomorrow too :P
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sorry to go completely off topic but is that a jps palmer jaguar in the background (the green car) or am i mistaken?
Yup that is correct, It's one of the first, a prototype version.

Sorry for the late update, had trouble with windows 7, got the black screen of death. Going to lan 2moro, so i'll try get some pics of the finished front panel on it.
I like the mat black look (reminds me of the colour you can get the Lamborghini Gallardo in).
I am considering it for the next build as I do like a big black case.
Is it hard to paint ie do the panels have to be perfect.
Also I can see it being a problem with marks and finger prints.

Anyway keep up the good work, looking forward to an update.
Nice work, and I know this sounds daft but which "black" did you use? In the Photos it looks a nice dark charcoal and may well be the shade of black i'm after for an upcoming build.

Could you give details please
Sorry for late replies. It was matt black from halfords.

Just a quick update, havn't been able to do much to the case due to university work.

May continue over xmas, depending on work and stuff.
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Yeah, i find the filler is very hard to smooth off, and went i try to sand it, it just flakes in some areas, not filling gaps. The worst place is the front panel i had done. Will matt black hide these imperfections?

Sounds like your fillers not quite right in that area, it should never flake off.

it may be worth scraping away what you can and giving it anouther go. Either that or you'll be well anoyed when you paint it and it all falls off at a later date.
did you ever post a picture of the case with the front cover on in all of its glory?

i had an old aero cool turbine case back when i liked that sort of thing with a mile of cathodes in. always liked the turbine was let down by the god awful plastic door on the front. still, nice work still want to see the full picture! :D
Sorry about the lack of pics. The case is actually unused atm and I'm thinking of selling it, It's just sitting in my room, I want to find it a nice new owner.

It needs touching up abit, The front panel is stuck on with blue tack atm (The plastic clips do go on, but they are not aligned properly, I just ain't got round to doing it)






Ain't the best of pictures :P
Just goes to show that the process of modding itself is more fun that the actual using of the mod afterwards.

Will upload some better pictures taken with digital slr. Those 1s from my phone came out terribly blurry.

Tempted to put it on Members Market soon (in my sig) But really unsure on price. I would want it to go to another modder who would carry on improving it, I just don't have the time or motivation for this case anymore.

Next project is putting some watercooling in my CM Scout :P
Them's some serious fans, man!! Looks good :) green is a nice break from the normal red/blue/white :) don't see many other colours - only your green and teal'c and his orange LEDs :)
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