Ok, after my post last week where I said Jailbreaking my iPad2 didn't offer any gains, I wondered if I'd been too hasty in my decision to roll back to official iOS.
I have now been living in a Jailbroken world for one week and I have to say, I stand by my earlier comments - For a Wifi only iPad2 I see no benefits to Jailbreaking the device.
In anticipated response to the replies from FanBoys:
"But you've got access to the file system"
[MW] And.... I use AcePlayer and FTP2GoPro from the App store, which both allow me to transfer files to my iPad without iTunes anyway, so SFTP / iFile really don't excite me. One thing I had hoped for was to be able to upload files via PHP/CGI from a browser. But even after JailBreaking Safari and all the other browsers I've tried still don't allow file upload...
"Why wouldn't you want to JailBreak?"
[MW] Since Jailbreaking I haven't been able to watch movies via the LoveFilm app. A look through forums suggest installing XCon from Cydia, but this doesn't work for LoveFilm and subsequently breaks Skype.
"You can enable unrestricted tethering and access all manner of 3G/Radio functionality"
[MW] I've got a Wifi only iPad2, which quite happily connected to the Wifi-hotspot that my HTC provides....
It seems to me that for the iPhone 4S Jailbreaking may indeed open up the true potential of the device, but honestly, and after living with the thing Jailbroken for a week, I have not benefited at all.
Almost reminiscent of Apple Fanboys shouting from the rooftops how great MacBooks are... only to get one and face the mountainous task of integrating with Exchange 2003.... everything is great from the outside of the Apple cult, but on the inside, many things are a hack or a "you learn to live with it"...