A5 iphone 4s and iPad 2 Jailbreak Complete!

Hopefully not much longer to wait. first we had the iPhone 4s Video and now the iPad2 image. Fingers cross by the weekend!
On one hand - very good, very happy jailbreak for 4S is here, on the other hand you just have to wonder - 5.0.1 is POS transitional OS version with a lot of problems, focusing on jailbreak of that release, literally days before 5.1 is out... feels like shooting everyone in foot - both odd decision and probably will actually delay 5.1 as now Apple will want to patch it up. Delayed proper iOS update, delayed next jailbreak (will prolly require new work around) , all to achieve jailbreak of what is rather awful unfinished iOS version.

Or am I getting it wrong?
On one hand - very good, very happy jailbreak for 4S is here, on the other hand you just have to wonder - 5.0.1 is POS transitional OS version with a lot of problems, focusing on jailbreak of that release, literally days before 5.1 is out... feels like shooting everyone in foot - both odd decision and probably will actually delay 5.1 as now Apple will want to patch it up. Delayed proper iOS update, delayed next jailbreak (will prolly require new work around) , all to achieve jailbreak of what is rather awful unfinished iOS version.

Or am I getting it wrong?
pretty much on the money. However I miss so much cydia input on my phone that 5.1 will have to deliver some serious updates to make me to want that over 5.0.1 jailbreak. Thing is 5.1 in beta is out so the dev team are prob all over it already looking for new ways to inject jailbreak.
How you getting on with that guide Mr?

Ive created a new thread for it.
I will be adding to it daily (which leaves time for me to answer questions on the sections ive discussed before going into new sections).

I think it will be easier to digest like this rather than me writing a long essay. Might aswell break it down into small bite sized daily chunks.
I just had to restore my iPhone 4, tried to install H1Siri (DON'T DO IT) and it bricked my phone lol. Restored and rejailbroken in less than an hour!
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