A5 iphone 4s and iPad 2 Jailbreak Complete!

Fingers crossed then!

Just need to find some decent tweaks its been a while since I jailbroke!
TBH as much as i want the JB, half of me thinks why dont they wait til 5.1 which is supposed to sort out a few more issues still left in 5.0.1? Its almost like they will waste an exploit?
TBH as much as i want the JB, half of me thinks why dont they wait til 5.1 which is supposed to sort out a few more issues still left in 5.0.1? Its almost like they will waste an exploit?

+ 1

I don't think the pressure has helped that though. Also, Apple may have even found the exploit already before the Gold Master release of 5.1. Remember that A4 devices already have an untethered JB.
TBH as much as i want the JB, half of me thinks why dont they wait til 5.1 which is supposed to sort out a few more issues still left in 5.0.1? Its almost like they will waste an exploit?

The thing is I think that because 5.1 is a very big update its highly likely it will carry new expliots rather than exisisting ones in 5.0.1.

Like I said I think 5.0.1 is fine for the most part. Unless they add some serious tech to 5.1 I wont be too upset if I am waiting for jailbreak for that. ie. Siri upgrades!
I'm still waiting for the extended Siri functionality in the UK that's coming 'early 2012'. Don't understand why it's taking so long personally, it's just pulling results from Google Maps? We've already got business search on there, so i don't understand the issue :o
The thing is I think that because 5.1 is a very big update its highly likely it will carry new expliots rather than exisisting ones in 5.0.1.
Lets hope so! Why are JB's for the A5 devices harder to find than for the older ones? Is it just that the new A5 devices are more secure or something?

Rumour has it that Siri will be coming to the iPad 2 in 5.1. I'd rather have a JB than Siri though.

Im sure im not the only person with that opinion!

I thought i'd use Siri a lot, i dont use it half as much as i thought i would...
I hardly use it. To be honest its an annoyance it has to auth with server for the most easy of tasks in handset. When not on wifi or 3G. Also it does make a lot of mistakes still, as good as it is. Just cant dictate as well as I had hoped.

The A5 is a more secure chip and annoyingly the A6 will probably be even harder.
Does anyone think apple are making there hardware more secure so they the JB's cant do it no more since apple lost the court case?
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