A5 iphone 4s and iPad 2 Jailbreak Complete!

1783 files backed up
Adding custom com.apple.ipsec.plist to backup
recv: Bad file descriptor
FATAL(__LINE__): Assertion failed (1266): got == sizeof(size)

after cinject.exe -j payloads

EDIT: Apparently it's necessary to restore to 5.0.1.
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Might aswell wait and let them iron the bugs out as there has been a few so far. Atleast the RedSnow version will be easier to use and bug free. Common Cydia apps like Lockinfo and Springtomise have been updated and others will follow. I can wait
Didn't get very far before I had a problem :p, when typing in
cinject -i payloads/jailbreak.mobileconfig
I got "The procedure entry point sqlite3_wal_checkpoint could not be located in the dynamic link libary SQLite3.dll"
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