out of curiosity how would you propose such an abortion was carried out, I mean from a practical point of view. I am no expert i would be interested to know if there are any actual medical doctors here for their view
But you have a viable baby ready to be born, and the doctor has to "abort" it...... you cant use drugs to force into labour to expell it, as all you would do would be induce the birth.
so you would be presumably askign a doctor, to actively mechancically kill a child or poison it somehow.
I can imagine you would put off any doctor from becoming an obstetrician if they were going to have that on their conscience.
What if the baby pops out still alive? when it comes to crime against a pregnant woman (again out of my comfort zone here so maybe wrong.) if a woman is hit and goes into premature labour, isnt it classed as murder if the child takes a breath on its own?
imagine i got someone pregnant, they chose at last minute to have an abortion against my will.... baby is born with issues due to the termination attempt then dies...... if hte law is as i think it is then i would be within my rights to accuse the doctor of murder wouldnt i?
note as text is hard to get context. i am not ranting here, i find it genuinely interesting. i just dont see how it could possibly work however leaving it that late