10 year old, I think the alleged rapist was an immigrant too so I guess both sides have an angle to run with now.
Though it isn't clear that she definitely couldn't get an abortion in state, it seems it might have actually been the case that one was sought out of state in part to keep it on the down low... which might have been somewhat undermined by a dr using the case for a bit of clout on social media.
The law was actually very clear according to various lawyers, but the republicans and anti abortion types in the state have been doing everything they can to make out this was a case where there would have been an exception and no one would have been prosecuted. Unfortunately for everyone involved the law had no such exception and several high profile prosecutors were talking about investigating (read prosecuting) the doctor who referred the child to an abortion when it first came out. As at least one lawyer put it "you never rely on the goodwill of an elected prosecutor to interpret the law in your favour". it's worth noting many hospitals and pharmacies are also basically refusing to give women of potentially childbearing age certain medications that are routine for their conditions because they can potentially cause miscarriages*, and the hospitals lawyers (usually very well paid, very good on the law) have said the risk of prosecution is too high.
The doctor didn't use it for "clout", the doctor was making people aware of what was happening, oddly enough it's usually considered a good thing for a doctor to raise awareness of health issues and especially when it's something that is so utterly unacceptable.
It was 6+ weeks since her last period by the time it had been confirmed, at that point under the exact wording of the law it was illegal because in law you work out the length of the pregnancy from the date of the last known period once you've got a positive test, and this was what pretty much everyone who understood and disagreed with the stupidly short 6 week type limits were saying as whilst the menstrual cycle e usually 28-32 days, but it's not at all uncommon for them to be anything up to 6 weeks apart (especially in people under a certain body mass, young, on certain medications, or with certain medical issues). So at best with a six week rule you may have around two weeks to get the meds for the abortion, more normally it's going to be around a week, and for many it'll be too late by the time they even know they're pregnant.
Apparently now the politicians are realising the the bulk of the public, including their voters are not in fact happy about the idea of a preteen being forced to carry a pregnancy to term and there are leaded memos for various republican groups that are telling them to "avoid giving a definite answer, and change the subject if asked".
*And thus causing even more misery and pain for people who are often already struggling and in many cases those meds make the difference between being able to work and not.