Absolutely Disgusted

No set time, I do it whenever I feel it needs to be changed - be that weekly or fortnightly. That said, I ******* hate getting the duvet into it's cover.
Once a week although if it was purely down to my missus, it would be literally every day lol.
Once a week. I do have a friend who changes hers every day, she must be particularly sweaty.

(Tbh if I wasn't married or lived on my own it wouldn't be once a week...)

I hate making the bed once a week, how can someone tolerate doing it everyday!?
They should have duvet covers™ you can split in two - with two sides they get washed half as frequently as the bottom sheet.

jost cos the inside of a duvet cover makes it look like a shadow of it's former self doesn't mean it should be ignored...al hail visible stitches
I had no idea people change their linens so often!

I change my sheet once i wear a hole in it, roughly 4-6 months and my covers perhaps every 8-10 months, at this point it starts to smell a little vinegary.

Saves a hell of on water bill!
Love freshly made bed but just can't be arsed with the hassle of making it

Aim for once every few weeks but i know it creeps over, and over
Ok I've only been doing mine twice a year, but I love the smell of lavender or coconut Surf plus some Comfort scent pearls.

The scent pearls are stupid expensive though and I only use them on bedding.

I wish I could find coconut scented fabric softener too, surf detergent / liquid / pods is all there seems to be and they are also hard to find.
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