Accident with cyclist - Seeking advice

No witnesses, like next car on road you were joining ?

Especially as the cyclists line was so close to the front of the car there's really no room for error.
it is difficult to decide what the gap was from the video though, and with cyclists look of shock as he arrived at the left wing, he did not expect it.
OP started moving as the blue car arrived at the right wing, and either the cyclist thought he had eye contact, or, looking at the oncoming cars thought the gap was not large enough ?
if the oncoming car was close he maybe decided heading for the bonnet rather than being pushed into oncoming cars was lesser of evils.
Looking at the rear view footage I would say Mr cyclist could well have a dislocated shoulder, I've had over 100 dislocations and surgery on one of mine, whilst I'm sure every case is different the way he is holding it does make it look dislocated. It might not be obvious though without seeing the actual shape of it under the clothing. However, that doesn't change the fact that I think it was his own fault due to what may well be considered perfectly legal was still irresponsible cycling.

Edit; whilst this would be near impossible to get evidence of, but if this guy has dislocated it before he would certainly know how to blag it, and with data protection I doubt the hospital would give anything away.
By the way, I have more rear footage of him spinning his arm around like a maniac trying to get the feeling back - Any thoughts about how that might affect his claim?

I have dislocated my left shoulder twice and my right shoulder twice in cycling accidents (3 my fault) and I couldn't move them 1mm let alone twirl them around so BS.

If he goes down the claim route, your Insurance should make a 3rd party request to the hospital for his records for the A&E Attendance which will include the A&E Admittance and X-Rays.
I know this 100% because I work at a hospital in a similar role and insurance companies ring me instead of Ministries (who deal with 3rd party accidents).

A question - was the pavement he was on a shared pavement for cycling use?
I've only seen people making assumptions.
Would they even bother looking into it, or just pay a fixed amount and get him to sign something to say its done with.
A cyclist was travelling against traffic on the pavement,

Not seen the rest of the thread but, in this instance above :

Cyclist is at fault
it is illegal to cycle on the pavement after a certain age (its in the highway code)
you are only allowed to cycle on the payment when your an adult IF you are cycling with a child (daughter for example)
he should be cycling on the road like everybody else that goes faster than walking pace
Would they even bother looking into it, or just pay a fixed amount and get him to sign something to say its done with.

This is how the NHS Resolution works when cases go to a Letter Of Claim, it's very rare it goes to court so I expect insurance goes the same way.
Don't really have any helpful input, but what a ****ty position to be in. I hope it works out for you!
I agree the cyclist is at fault here and if my insurer didn't back me up here I would be strongly tempted to take a private case out against the cyclist for damage to car.

In future however to stop this kind of thing happening when waiting to turn in you should leave no space for pedestrians or illegal cyclists to drive/walk in front of you. So they have to go behind you...the safer course of action for all.

If I was a pedestrian walking in front of a car like this I always wait for them to wave..if they don't I walk behind the car...simples.
This is the cyclists fault - he rolled the dice and lost. Now he wants compensation for his own negligence and expects people to be sympathetic because he got injured.

Tell him to ride on the road and in the correct direction..... and you owe me 'x' for the damage you caused to my car.

[coming from a passionate cyclist]
Reading up on the highway code it does appear that he is breaking the law (I appreciate the highway code isn't a legal document, but there are areas that overlap and this is one of them) whilst the majority of police wouldn't prosecute for this if the cyclist is showing consideration for other pavement users and they are advised to use discretion on this, I really don't believe he was, the only attempt to slow down was once it was too late. Without seeing the scene of the RTA it's difficult to judge, but from the video I have to wonder would he have hit the car even if you hadn't started moving.
In terms of having a cycle lane and pedestrian bit? Not at all. Just a standard pavement next to a main road.

It's just that others were talking about shared pavement which would make it your fault even though the cyclist was a ****.
If it's a normal pedestrian pavement then do what you can.
I had a very similar incident August 2015 that was witnessed by 6 Paramedics & 2 Coppers, the driver also took full responsibility even though I thought I should have been more cautious and every day when I get to that same spot I approach it differently which proves I should have been more careful.
You wouldn't be able to move your arm much if it was a dislocation shoulder, it's dislocated :p

But this video does need to go to one of those idiot cyclist complications on youtube. Like this one :D

After some careful analysis, I'd say the cars were at fault in this instances.
looking again at very first static photo, wide angle lenses are perhaps deceptive -
if bin was parallel to bonnet of Ford car, it was probably within 3m of left wing, cyclist covered that in 1.5s, which would be 5mph

EDIT: yes looking again next to bin a 1:03.168, next to wing 1:03:835 =>667ms ...10mph
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looking again at very first static photo, wide angle lenses are perhaps deceptive -
if bin was parallel to bonnet of Ford car, it was probably within 3m of left wing, cyclist covered that in 1.5s, which would be 5mph

5mph would be virtually standing still on a bike (1mph below my average running speed and 2mph above average walking speed), he was going way faster than that.
My partners Mum had a similar situation when coming out of a school. Guy actually managed to break the windscreen.

He apologised, said it's his fault but there was nothing else she could do, just claimed on insurance.

To be honest looking at that second video he isn't exactly going like he's in the velodrome.
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