Surely this is not the most suitable car for 400bhp?
Are you going to track it? Is it going to get full suspension and brake upgrade too?
Edit - wait, what. Standard fuel pump is good for a turbo etc and 400bhp? Second hand turbo?? £100 for refurbed injectors?
I'm confused.
Free injectors, £100 for a refurb. Yes second hand turbo, a Holset HX35 with a 12 or 14cm exhaust housing, usually found on diesel trucks/small lorry's, and popular for old BMW's. Yes standard fuel pump is fine for 400BHP, don't ask me how because I don't know, but if it keels over, a 255lph one is £130. Turbo manifold is £200 + a bit of time to double over the welds as a precautionary measure. Intercooler in a size that fits snugly is £150. K-Tec engine management (Megasquirt software) is £400. Etc etc.
Its going to have uprated shocks, lowering springs, brand new OE top mounts, drop links, etc. Brakes I'm not too sure on yet. I was going to do standard size with track pads and grooved disks but that might still be a bit hairy even for me.

Being a 325i it already has front and rear ARB's which are reasonably decent, the bushes will need doing though.
No I'm not going to track it. It will be road use, show use, and occasional strip use.
E30's have excellent chassis dynamics (although admittedly the Touring slightly less so), they can be made to handle fantastically well with suspension, ARB's and bracing.
People are still skeptical despite the 350BHP tried and tested kit being linked above sans ECU which stands at £1800. That kit, with 350BHP, can also be used without even taking the top off of the engine to change the head bolts, and without even changing from a stock clutch... £1800, bosh the kit on, aftermarket ECU, 350BHP, just like that.
That might end up being what I do, but I have this mystical '400HP' figure stuck in my head and its staying there for now.
Just please don't butcher the outside, so many E30s have chav tastic tat strapped to them now.
Don't worry, anything I do visually will be OE or period correct. The only non OE visual aspects will be the ride height, wheels, and exhaust. See the on the previous page for a rough idea.