Advice for first flight

Air crash investigation is always good viewing before or even during the flight.
When cruises go wrong is always a good one for never wanting to go on one.

Just don't shout out in the top of your voice

"I think there is something wrong with the left flange"
Are we still talking about flights?

- If it's a day flight, choose an aisle seat - much easier to get up and down as you please. Saves needing to climb over other people too.

Not sure about this one, it does also allow you to stretch your legs into the isle occasionally but means every **** and their dog will knock you as they walk past. It also means you have to get up every time the middle and window seats need a ****.

My one and only comment is if you get a neck pillow wear it correctly, the opening should be at the back of the neck not the front!

Whaaa? Really? Makes sense I suppose, as your neck dips forwards!
Everyone's different, but for me the thing that really made long-haul flights easier was just getting into the right state of mind. Don't clock-watch. Don't keep track of how long until you land. You'll get there when you get there, and there's no point fussing over it. It doesn't matter how long it feels at the time - tomorrow it'll feel like it was just another day.

If you can sleep sitting up, that's a bonus. I can't, but I've found that just getting into a kind of zoned-out state is almost as good. For me, if I actively try to fill my time then a flight seems to take ages, but if I can just let myself zone out then it's almost as good as sleeping through the whole thing.

That said, the best solution is of course to fly business class, have a few glasses of nice wine and a film, then sleep the rest of the way :D
Thanks everyone, most of it is good advice :cry:
I wasn't aware you could just wander about out of your seat.
Flights not booked yet, but the one I'm looking at is Air China which is an Airbus.
Sounds like I need to forget the change of clothes then, and perhaps grab a half decent tablet.
OP about to find out how highly the Chinese value personal space :D . Get some good earplugs, not those cheap foam things, as you'll be subjected to a chorus of coughing and hockeling all the way.
OP about to find out how highly the Chinese value personal space :D . Get some good earplugs, not those cheap foam things, as you'll be subjected to a chorus of coughing and hockeling all the way.
As an ethnic Chinese, I find that stereotype true :cry:
(Although I do value my own personal space very much unlike others)
Has anyone mentioned wearing loose fitting clothes? And taking a jumper in case you get cold at night, they should provide blankets too.

If the flight food looks/tastes dodgy I would avoid it. Perhaps take some snacks with you as a backup.
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Buy some sweets/mints at the airport. I used to get terrible headaches when descending but sucking a sweet completely stops it happening. It's something to do with pressure and altitude.

Good earplugs is a good idea.

I just doze and try to relax rather than filling the time with in flight entertainment.
I took some bluetooth earbuds on my last flight, and due to the pressure changes making my ears go weird I could barely here them sometimes.
Next time I'll probably get some noise cancelling over ear ones.
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