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Advice needed on a new card for £600

6 Aug 2009
Took her better resale on an Nvidia card but they'll cost you more to begin with. Either will be fine, I'd take the 7800XT as I just prefer AMD.
15 Oct 2019
Took her better resale on an Nvidia card but they'll cost you more to begin with. Either will be fine, I'd take the 7800XT as I just prefer AMD.
I’m not sure that is the case anymore because with more people owning Nvidia you have more competition in the 2nd hand market and the smaller VRAM buffer will likely also put people off especially a couple of years from now when 12gb is struggling.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
1440p. I see a lot of people saying 12gb isn't enough for 1440p any more and other people saying it's fine.

If the 4070 Super runs cooler and quieter than the 7800XT then i'd gravitate towards that I think.
People used to say that 8GB was enough for the 3070, even when games started showing up that proved 8GB was not enough people doggedly stuck to their guns insisting 8GB was a perfectly good amount of VRam for the card, or that it wasn't a problem with the card but the games.

The truth is Nvidia don't want to give you more than "just enough on the day" because if they do there is no need to upgrade it tomorrow.

If you're looking for something that doesn't quickly turn in to £600 worth of E-Waste in the name of Nvidia profits don't do it....
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17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
If your not bothered about maxing things out especially textures then 12Gb vram is enough at 1440p.

If you are bothered by things like that then yes there are plenty of examples of games that require more than 12Gb of vram at 1440p when you start maxing the texture quality and adding all the Ray tracing and Path tracing effects.

You don't think £600+ is enough money to expect not to have to make compromises on textures?

New rules: Any card costing more than £500 should have 16GB minimum, these are not cheap throwaway things... we all know by now how the 3070 situation actually turned out, let us at least learn from it, you're not going to get a free 4080 in the post for defending Nvidia's planned obsolescence.
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6 Aug 2009
You don't think £600+ is enough money to expect not to have to make compromises on textures?

New rules: Any card costing more than £500 should have 16GB minimum, these are not cheap throwaway things... we all know by now how the 3070 situation actually turned out, let us at least learn from it, you're not going to get a free 4080 in the post for defending Nvidia's planned obsolescence.
At the time I bought it was 4070 or 6950XT. I took the extra power draw (undervolted now) over the reduced RAM. At £600 I wasn't going to buy anything less than a 16GB card.
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30 Nov 2011
1440p. I see a lot of people saying 12gb isn't enough for 1440p any more and other people saying it's fine.

If the 4070 Super runs cooler and quieter than the 7800XT then i'd gravitate towards that I think.
Might be very specific games, I run 3440x1440 and all the games I am playing run fine and over 100fps. Lack of vram usually exhibits as massive frame drops to like single digit fps and I don't get any of that on a 3080 10gb.
31 Dec 2011
I would not buy a card with less that 16gb these days, regardless of whether its enough at the moment. Either wait for the 4070ti supers or get the 7800XT
1 Nov 2011
Another recommendation for the 7800XT here. Nitro OC came to just under £500, after I sold the Avatar code...

Son's rig has 3800X, 32Gb (3200mhz C15) B450M with a Dell S3222DGM (1440p/165hz) - the GPU didn't get over 45°C during benchmark (Lancool 2 & fairly gentle fan curve set in Adrenaline software).

Absolutely blown away by the performance for the money paid.
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