Afghanistan - 20 years on

She’s correct.

The Taliban did not exist in the 1980s, it did not fight the Soviet Union and it was not backed by the United States. You could fill a library with books about American screw ups in Afghanistan. No need to rely on fictions.
Where's the #metoo movement? 19 million women are about to be reduced to the state of cattle with a large number executed for being educated, where is the #metoo movement? Just wondering.
I'm not sure we can say that they haven't already been executing civilians. Information leaving the country is quite limited, and there have been reports of Taliban going house to house looking for certain people in some areas, Taliban in some places demanding daughters be turned over to them to be their wives and the bbc had Interviewed an internal refugee a couple of days ago who said the Taliban had executed men and boys in her village.

It may look quiet on the streets of Kabul where the news reporters are, and the Taliban spokesmen may be talking about a peaceful transition etc, but I don't think that means that these things aren't going on behind the scenes or in more remote areas.

Even if there were large scale executions going on right outside the airport I don't think our armies would do anything - governments have made it quite clear that we're abandoning the country come what may.

Agree it makes sense for the Taliban to hold off attacking the airport and our forces. As long as they don't do something to provoke a response our government will leave them to it, but if they did attack I think its fair to say the recent halt to air strikes would quickly be reversed.

I think the problem is the Taliban is made up of so many groups/elders/leaders/whatever all working under the Taliban banner but probably doing their own thing... So while Kabul is relatively ok and the leaders there have control of what goes on its probably far different in the other territories.

I don't think this is finished at all. I can see infighting and all sorts happening once the allies have completely left the building...
Is Biden supposed to be impressive? I am not really thay clued up on US politics, but thought he was supposed to be the messiah ?
I really feel like absolutely nobody has ever been delighted about Biden or heralded him as anything more than 'better than Trump'.

Certainly nobody acted like he was in any way messianic.

What are you smoking? He voted to go into Afghanistan in 2001 though from 2009 onwards there is plenty of public information that shows he wanted to get the troops out!

You seem to be a person that has an agenda and will stick to your own 'facts' no matter what evidence is pointed out to you; I'll leave you to it ...

He's completely out there. In the run up to the election he kept telling how Hilary, Biden, Obama etc were going to be arrested, we're still waiting on that report from Durham that he promised was going to be EXPLOSIVE. After Trump lost he kept on about massive voter fraud, producing zero evidence but then you can't produce evidence for something that never happened. He is so partisan and down the MAGA rabbit hole he's never coming out.
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