Age of Empires 2 HD

Double click on one of them and you'l get all similiar units nearby. Or select units and press CTRL+a number on keyboard then you can press the number to select that group again :)
Double click on one of them and you'l get all similiar units nearby. Or select units and press CTRL+a number on keyboard then you can press the number to select that group again :)

Dont ever remember having to press CTRL + number but if thats it mate cheers :D
I have this but am completely new to rts games and was giving this a miss since i got it due to the fps problems that i see have now been patched soooooo...

Whos up for some games? preferably someone new like me i dont fancy getting roflstomped lol.

add me on steam: kaeshi
I am remembering how much I hate AoE2 now XD You had to carefully group your units based on speed, otherwise if you see a threat and right click to attach, your knights will walk towards him at the same speed as the swordsman while you get filled with arrows. It kinda makes sense, but its so annoying!
I am remembering how much I hate AoE2 now XD You had to carefully group your units based on speed, otherwise if you see a threat and right click to attach, your knights will walk towards him at the same speed as the swordsman while you get filled with arrows. It kinda makes sense, but its so annoying!

I never realised this :p
I am remembering how much I hate AoE2 now XD You had to carefully group your units based on speed, otherwise if you see a threat and right click to attach, your knights will walk towards him at the same speed as the swordsman while you get filled with arrows. It kinda makes sense, but its so annoying!

This has lost me a fair few mounted units, try to have seperate groups now to skip between
Finally they updated it recently and fixed the achievement bugs...

Got like 20 of em at once earlier today :).

was worried that ive gone through an entire campaign and not got a single achievement haha

EDIT - nope mine has updated :/
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was worried that ive gone through an entire campaign and not got a single achievement haha

EDIT - nope mine has updated :/

They fixed the numbers for various achievements, I also still lack the ones for beating xx CPU's at yy difficulty despite having done that!

But I did get all the ''you beat this and that and this nation'' all at once.
Yeah some of the achievements still seem bugged, not getting some when I should and getting others when I shouldn't.

Been getting annoyed with this recently, been playing mostly 3v3 because someone always seems to disconnect, I mean 2v3 isn't so bad. But what keeps happening is things like a team mate will d/c, the other team mate has no clue what he's doing and doesn't make an army, just a handful of units. I've happened to have the best eco in most of the recent matches but I can't win 3v1. I totally understand and respect how difficult the game is for noobs, but it is extremely annoying that it seems to always be someone on my team that d/c's. The other thing is when playing things like castle blood, and the host boots you so they win. What's the point in even playing?
I would say no, just play the original :P. It felt like a waste to me anyway, not enough of a difference is made to make it worth the price.
Nah, you're better off getting hold of the original and downloading userpatch and also trying out Forgotten Empires.

Plus the Steam version is still buggy and there's no way to change resolution in-game, it's set to whatever your desktop res is at
I bought it when it was on sale and have been playing it with friends. Really enjoying it, fantastic game. I haven't really noticed any bugs as of yet?

I didn't play the original so I can't tell you if there is much improvement.
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