Age of Empires 2 HD

Just started playing this last night, the theme music at the game menu gave me goosebumps, haha! So many memories.

Think AoE was the first game I got heavily into and good at playing on Microsoft "The Zone" on 56k, those were the days...
Huh? I read that as not to rush but be faster then your opponent..?

Yeah I never see the point of playing "no rushing for X time" The whole point of the game is to be better and faster at your unit and production management than the other player.

One of my fav victories online way back was when a player wanted a 'no rush game' He built his army up and I garrisoned a mass of ships in my docks. He didn't notice them garrisoned and when he eventually came to attack I unclicked the garrison and sunk everything he spent an hour and a half making. The lovely transports full of his hard hours work.

He quit I won. We could have saved both of us an hour if he didn't want a 'don't attack for an hour' rule :D It's so completely pointless, if a player is better over 15 minutes at making and building than you what chance do you have with a no rush for an hour rule? You still get beat but it takes an hour longer. :)
Yeah I never see the point of playing "no rushing for X time" The whole point of the game is to be better and faster at your unit and production management than the other player.

One of my fav victories online way back was when a player wanted a 'no rush game' He built his army up and I garrisoned a mass of ships in my docks. He didn't notice them garrisoned and when he eventually came to attack I unclicked the garrison and sunk everything he spent an hour and a half making. The lovely transports full of his hard hours work.

He quit I won. We could have saved both of us an hour if he didn't want a 'don't attack for an hour' rule :D It's so completely pointless, if a player is better over 15 minutes at making and building than you what chance do you have with a no rush for an hour rule? You still get beat but it takes an hour longer. :)
me and my friends all that i know irl play 30 mins no rush i know it makes matches longer but we find it a lot more enjoyable it still shows how fast players are due to when attacking the teams with best economy and largest troops usually win i love scouting out to find the weak point of the defence before attacking.
I got this game the other day and have really enjoyed it so far.

Having never played the original I'm still sort of figuring out how it all works but I have finally won a game on 'moderate' difficulty! :o :p
Waypoints work, you have to right click the last one without shift, I thought it was odd but it works.

On steam if anyone wants a game.. Got home early from work :D

Ah thanks, was annoyed I could see the flags but the unit(s) wouldn't move
I would like to see C&C Red Alert in HD because the original runs too fast on todays pc's

Tried to play it the other week and was dominated by the speed lol

me and my friends all that i know irl play 30 mins no rush i know it makes matches longer but we find it a lot more enjoyable it still shows how fast players are due to when attacking the teams with best economy and largest troops usually win i love scouting out to find the weak point of the defence before attacking.

Some people prefer bigger battles with shiny units, I find end-game tends to be more interesting than rushing but hitting an enemy and wiping him early is fun too
Anyone have problems with the background sounds, they work in the home screen but as soon as the game starts they disappear. No people sounds, no warning of attacks.

Music works fine.

Win7(64bit), AMD something...
Make sure your system can handle it guys!! Its more demanding than Crysis! Look at the spec requirements!

OS:Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 Pro+
Processor:1.2GHZ CPU
Memory:1 GB RAM
Graphics: Direct X 9.0c Capable GPU
Hard Drive:2 GB HD space

thats off steam store page.

for the original game microsoft reccomend

Multimedia PC with Pentium 166MHz (PHOAAR) or higher processor.
Microsoft® Windows® 95, Windows 98, Windows NT® 4.0 with Service Pack 5 operating system.
32 MB of RAM.
DirectX 6.1 or later.
90 MB of hard disk space; additional 100 MB of hard disk space for swap file.
Super VGA monitor supporting 1024x768 resolution.
Local bus video card that supports 1024x768, 256-color resolution and 2 MB of VRAM.
Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device.
28.8Kbps modem (or higher recommended) for Internet* or head-to-head play.
Audio board with speakers or headphones.
To access the MSN Gaming Zone you need Internet Explorer 3.02 or later software or Netscape Communicator 4.0 or later.

crazy how much its come on in 14 years. My phone could probably play the HD version (Galaxy S3)
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Caved in and got this, though i got the bundle and got this and AOE3 for £14.99 so that made it slightly more bearable :p

Only playing through the single player, never played a multiplayer AOE game ever, and im sure id get slaughtered :p
Caved in and got this, though i got the bundle and got this and AOE3 for £14.99 so that made it slightly more bearable :p

Only playing through the single player, never played a multiplayer AOE game ever, and im sure id get slaughtered :p

Oh go awwwnn.. Its fun! Still wondering how to get an OCUK game going!
Oh go awwwnn.. Its fun! Still wondering how to get an OCUK game going!

Im struggling with the 4th Atilla campaign haha, been sooo long since ive played AOE i need to get back into what beats what etc and sort some tactics out.

Im sure when i last played i could "group" a set of units so i dont have to highlight them all each time, i could just click on 1 of them and it highlight them all, i know i can double click to highlight all of a single unit, but i couldve swore you could set groups, eithe rthat or im thinking of a different game completely :p
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