Anyone else have problems getting any games multiplayer ?
I miss all the scenario's, Castle blood fair, World map, grave blood, rpg's, hero fest, art of defence, etc...
Tried various games, I played this on release last friday with mates all night over lan, 6 ppl, and aside from lag and 1 random crash, it was fine for 6+ hrs of play.
If I try to join games, we either get ''out of sync'' within 5 minutes, or someone drops within 5 ( I just kept playing on my own 1v2 but most people just quit when their teammate goes!).
I can only play a ''stable'' game with mates. Also a lot of people have really rubbish pings, most if I play with my mates even over the net most of us have 20-40ms, if randomers join in some have 250+ ms

, and the game really doesn't like that, anything over 100ms is barely playable.
I can't remember it being this bad on the MSN gaming zone, even back in 2002 with just 512k adsl...
Achievements are buggy too, I did not get the acheivement despite beating 5 moderate ai's on my own in random map. Also the numbers do not seem to correspond with the description or icons ?
I'm also annoyed they removed the icons near the scoreboards, in the old days you could see who the lagger was and the host could, in custom scenario's, boot the bugger, yellow coin meant bad ping, red coin abysmal ping, or turtle meant rubbish pc, you could easily in game identify who the idiot was ruining the game for the rest and potentially get rid of him... Finally the game interface freezes if I bring up the steam overlay in the game aftermath/scoreboard...
Anyone can add me on steam ( snovvdog ) for a game, I'll play anything, from nomad/arabia RM to deathmatches and custom scenario's. 1v1 or teams, I don't care

. I only have 1 rule, and that is no pop limits below 200, I hate low population limits
