Age of Empires 2 HD

Played another game, 3v3 regicide. Again one team member left.. my luck! Anyone else been playing online? Should probably join some of you, must be more reliable :P David_VI on steam.
If anyone is wanting to play round 11pm? I'll be on Steam, probably looking for a 3v3 or 4v4 as I'm abit rusty!
Islands was always pants imo, lakes etc are ok but if there is too much water it's a borefest for me.

Feel free to add me for Steamage - gimpymoose
Black Forrest is a favourite of mines to be honest!

Oh yeah...bought the 4 pack! :p Me and my mates had to have it!

Get me added guys RRRRodgA :)
Know what you're saying. I play AOE3 quite often in a skirmish against AI on the hardest level there is. You got roughly 7-8min before you're swamped. It's so difficult.

We used to have a 20min no attack rule. I'd built triple fortification walls. Gives you time to see where the attack is coming from without it being too big a hit in troop numbers or buildings destroyed.

In AOE2 once i bulit fortication walls around my friends settlement just to stop him from expanding
Added RRRRodgA. If i'm on steam and anyone needs an extra player for a game feel free to invite. I'll probably be active late Friday and weekend :D
( David_VI on steam)
How much is it? How much for the 4 pack? Wasted school summer holidays playing this. Was 56k at the time with a 2 hour dissconnect. Good old days :)
Back in the day I used to play this competitively in trial, I always owned a retail copy but in trial Imperial age is locked out so no-one could use trebs or bombard cannons, plus in DM it gave a blank, flat map with no water. I found it a lot more interesting than many of the multiplayer games I'd had with the retail copy.

Been playing this 1v1 with a friend though, fairly even matched and the last few games (RM on black forest) have just dragged on, we run out of gold and have to resort to trash units, both couldn't be bothered cutting away(using siege) at the forest which covered half the map to attack where there was no defence. Times like this show that the game was probably designed as more of a team game where you can use things like trade(I know you can trade with enemy but it's not really worth it unless you can keep trade far away from military) and different tactics not really available in 1v1.

I was never any good at RM but I only recently learned (with the help of YT videos) that my biggest problem was that I would never make enough villagers, your TC/s should always be working until Imp age.

I never liked the rushing aspect of Aoe multiplayer. I liked to spend time building up.. I hope theres people who prefer to play like this as well. IRC wasn't there a no rushing rule or only attacking at a certain age back in the day?

If anyone's at this kinda level and wants to play sometime i'm up for it.

That method of play is called turtle/turtling;) If you make a game and tell everyone say 10bt or 20bt (build time) then no-one is theoretically allowed to attack until the game time (press F11 in-game for clock beneath resources) reaches that 10 or 20 minutes.

I think the devs mentioned this in a live stream, they kept it because it was a tactical thing.. I suppose if they did remove that limit it would change the game more than you think..

I think it's more down to laziness, or perhaps they didn't know what they were doing. Like it seems they've somehow managed to break the shift function so you can't place waypoints unless they've just changed it to another key or something. Other than that I haven't noticed any actual changes to the game that weren't visual. Really do need to be able to select more units, especially with the pop increase.

Are the achievements actually working for anyone?

Yes and no, they pop at the end of the game however my first game was Battle of Falkirk, I then went into an online game after which I received achievements for losing x buildings (I hadn't lost a single building up to that point) and winning 50 battles against a civ (in reality it was DM and I rushed the enemy at my border so it was one, at most two battles before players dropped) as well as the one for completing the William Wallace campaign. So they're popping, just not what/when you'd expect. Kind of reinforces the point that they might not know what they're doing.

In AOE2 once i bulit fortication walls around my friends settlement just to stop him from expanding

Haha! I remember playing 2v2 with friends as enemy, I had a random on my team and specifically told him not to build in my base(I wanted plenty of room), which is exactly what he done once he started getting attacked so I built stuff around him locking him in, he had no room for units to come out and was held there, my friends came laughing and finished him off:D
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How much is it? How much for the 4 pack? Wasted school summer holidays playing this. Was 56k at the time with a 2 hour dissconnect. Good old days :)

Ah yes I remember those days when our ISP's would cut us off after 2 hours. I would always makes sure my friend and I reset the connection just before heading out online, there was nothing worse then having a game interrupted because the line dropped out.
Does cheese steak jimmy's, lumberjack, robin hood and rock on still work ;)

Never see the point of no rushing, the skill is in getting the best plan and balance between number of farmers and upgrade the ages. It's a strategy game, half the skill is being able to attack earlier than your enemy.
Never see the point of no rushing, the skill is in getting the best plan and balance between number of farmers and upgrade the ages. It's a strategy game, half the skill is being able to attack earlier than your enemy.

Huh? I read that as not to rush but be faster then your opponent..?
This was my game back in the day. I played with all the top 1v1 random mappers. I really miss the Zone, nothing has come close to how much fun i had on there.
I think it's more down to laziness, or perhaps they didn't know what they were doing. Like it seems they've somehow managed to break the shift function so you can't place waypoints unless they've just changed it to another key or something. Other than that I haven't noticed any actual changes to the game that weren't visual. Really do need to be able to select more units, especially with the pop increase.

Waypoints work, you have to right click the last one without shift, I thought it was odd but it works.

On steam if anyone wants a game.. Got home early from work :D
Anyone else have problems getting any games multiplayer ?

I miss all the scenario's, Castle blood fair, World map, grave blood, rpg's, hero fest, art of defence, etc...

Tried various games, I played this on release last friday with mates all night over lan, 6 ppl, and aside from lag and 1 random crash, it was fine for 6+ hrs of play.

If I try to join games, we either get ''out of sync'' within 5 minutes, or someone drops within 5 ( I just kept playing on my own 1v2 but most people just quit when their teammate goes!).

I can only play a ''stable'' game with mates. Also a lot of people have really rubbish pings, most if I play with my mates even over the net most of us have 20-40ms, if randomers join in some have 250+ ms :confused:, and the game really doesn't like that, anything over 100ms is barely playable.

I can't remember it being this bad on the MSN gaming zone, even back in 2002 with just 512k adsl...

Achievements are buggy too, I did not get the acheivement despite beating 5 moderate ai's on my own in random map. Also the numbers do not seem to correspond with the description or icons ?

I'm also annoyed they removed the icons near the scoreboards, in the old days you could see who the lagger was and the host could, in custom scenario's, boot the bugger, yellow coin meant bad ping, red coin abysmal ping, or turtle meant rubbish pc, you could easily in game identify who the idiot was ruining the game for the rest and potentially get rid of him... Finally the game interface freezes if I bring up the steam overlay in the game aftermath/scoreboard...

Anyone can add me on steam ( snovvdog ) for a game, I'll play anything, from nomad/arabia RM to deathmatches and custom scenario's. 1v1 or teams, I don't care :). I only have 1 rule, and that is no pop limits below 200, I hate low population limits :D.
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